The devil was blammed but Adam and eve took the punishment.
Another perspective:In the Genesis account, Adam blames Eve and Eve blames the serpent (Gen. 3:12, 13). But the most direct answer to your question (from Scripture) is actually found in the New Testament:1 Timothy 2:14 - And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.
This doesn't mean that Eve was to "blame," for God knewSatan would try to deceive them, and that they would falter. The so-called "fall of man" was a necessary and deliberate part of God's redemptive plan for humanity, and the scenario in Eden played out just as intended.
It is Eve's fault more so. The serpent talked to her. Adam did not know where the food came from.
Also note that The Bible was written by men, who found it very convenient to blame the problems of the human race on the original sin of women, who are therefore doomed to be subservient to men forever.
According to the book of Genesis, God told Adam that he could eat of any tree in the garden except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam passed this on to Eve. Eve succumbed to temptation and ate anyway, and tempted Adam to eat. So, each should be blamed individually for giving in to their own temptations. It's an allegory, an example of how people are still falling prey to their own temptations.
Eve after eating the forbidden fruit convinced Adam to eat it and they would be like god.
" coats of skins "
Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree.
Blaming Eve for eating the forbidden fruit is based on the belief that she made a conscious choice to disobey God’s command. The consequences of her actions were known as a potential outcome, regardless of the level of explanation given. Moreover, the story serves as a lesson about the consequences of disobeying divine commands, rather than a commentary on the adequacy of the explanation provided.
It is true that Adam and Eve did eat the forbidden fruit, so sin and death came into the world.
Adam hide...
Adam gave eave the forbidden
According to the Bible, it was because Eve was the one that was tempted by Satan, the serpent, and ate the fruit. After doing this, she gave some to her husband Adam, which also made him sin also. So Adam blamed Eve because even though he sinned, he didn't want to be recognized, so he blamed the origin of his sin, where Eve's origin of sin was Satan.
The Bible only tells us she ate "The forbidden fruit" it doesnt describe the nature of the fruit. what we should focus on instead of what kind of fruit it was, is that she disobeyed God who warned her and Adam not to eat of the tree of life.
I am guessing that you mean that when does it first appear, it is as a serpent. In the story of Adam and Eve, the serpent is the one that tries to deceive Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. He eventually convinces Eve to eat the fruit and Eve convinces Adam to eat the fruit as well. They then were made to leave the garden because of their disobedience to God.
Both ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: a serpent tempted Eve who ate it first and then offered the forbidden fruit to Adam. But the bible never identifies that fruit as being an apple...