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According to Jewish tradition, a Jew is any person whose mother was Jewish (Talmud, Kidushin 68b), or any person who has gone through a proper conversion to Judaism (Talmud, Yevamot 47a).

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40m ago

I do not have a physical form, so I do not have a religious identity.

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Q: Are you born Jewish or Jewish by religion?
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Abraham. He was born 3824 years ago.

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What does culturely Jewish mean?

To be Jewish can mean you either practice the Jewish religion, or are from a Jewish decent. It is both a race and a religion. Someone that is culturally Jewish may not practice the religion, but has a Jewish heritage. Likewise, people that do practice the Jewish religion do not have to be culturally Jewish, or have Jewish ancestors.

Is Jewish a heritage as well as a religion?

Yes; it's a 3800-year old unbroken tradition going back to Abraham. See also:Jewish history timeline

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There aren't areas of the Jewish religion.

What religion is Malcolm glazer?

He was born into a Jewish household. But he may be a Jewish atheist, but all his children have Jewish names like Avram. Hope that helps.

Can you be part Jew?

Although Jewish law specifies that a child born to Jewish parents is Jewish, if just the father is Jewish and the mother is not, the child is not considered Jewish in any sense. (The Reform movement recognises children born to a Jewish man and non-Jewish woman as Jewish IF they were raised Jewish).