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Pazuzu's worship has died off, for the most part, although isolated groups of worshippers can still be found in the Middle East, particularly among the violently anti-Israeli Sons of al-Azrad, reputedly sponsored by the Karotechia. Worship remains strong among ghouls, particularly those of European and Asian areas surrounding the Middle East. Some more enlightened New World ghouls worship Pazuzu, although most do not.

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Pazuzu is a deity from ancient Mesopotamian mythology known as the king of the demons of the wind. While some individuals in modern times may have an interest in Pazuzu as part of their spiritual practices or occult beliefs, worship of Pazuzu as a mainstream religion is not common.

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Do people need symbols to worship god?

Not necessarily. While symbols can aid in worship by providing visual representations and facilitating focus, individuals can also worship without them by relying on personal beliefs, experiences, and spiritual connections. Ultimately, the use of symbols in worship varies among different religions and believers.

Who do Mexicans worship?

The majority of Mexicans are Catholic and worship Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. However, there are also people in Mexico who practice indigenous religions, such as those based on the traditions of the Aztecs or Mayans, which include worshiping various gods and goddesses.

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No, worship of Moloch is not commonly practiced today. Historically, Moloch was worshipped in the ancient Near East through child sacrifice, but this practice has long been abandoned.

Do religious communities need a place of worship?

Not necessarily. While many religious communities have designated places of worship, some religious groups may gather for worship in homes, community centers, or other alternative spaces based on their beliefs and practices. The importance of a physical place of worship varies among different religions and denominations.

Which phrase refers to the right to worship way one chooses?

The phrase that refers to the right to worship as one chooses is "freedom of religion." This fundamental human right grants individuals the liberty to practice any religion or none at all, without discrimination or interference from the government or other people.