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Because a lot of the time, religion and science don't add up. For example, people say ''What were Adam and Eve doing at the time of the dinosaurs?''

In that sense, religion and science don't work together, so you have to choose which you believe more.


As you can see in the above answer, the reason that many people think they have to choose either science or religion is that they think that the two cannot be reconciled. They'd be surprised to learn that some great scientists are religious, and many religious people see no problem with science. I'm not going into detail; opinions vary on the details, but generally stated, many people see no conflict.

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4mo ago

The relationship between religion and science is complex and can vary depending on individual beliefs. Some see them as complementary ways of understanding the world, while others view them as conflicting or separate domains. Overall, both religion and science seek to provide explanations for the world around us, but they approach questions of existence and meaning through different methods and perspectives.

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9y ago

In Philosophy, there is what is called a "cosmological argument" for the existence of God. This argument was first made by St. Thomas Aquinas. In it's essence, the argument states that all things were caused by something else. This caused this, which caused this, which caused this, but these caused things cannot go on forever for there must be something that put it all into motion. This "uncaused cause" is what we believe to be God. This is the basis for the Intelligent Design theory of supernatural control over the destiny of humans. Ultimately, those with religious faith cannot dispute science because it has valid evidence to support it's claims.

Another Perspective

The theory of intelligent design has been with us for a long time and has no basis in science because science does not deal with "must haves". Science and religion co-exist because many people recognize that they are two completely different realms. Science does not support religion and religion does not support science.

Religion is based on unquestioning faith in a supernatural Creator in the absence of any proof.

Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena.

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14y ago

in the Holy Books such as the QURAN (islamic holy book) Allah (God) created the universe and the sun the moon the seas the stars the planets the humans the animals etc.... there are some verses in the Quran which was revealed 14 centuries ago that have been proven a few years ago and that is proof that the Quran is God's words because humans couldn't have known these facts 14 cenuries ago because there was no advanced technology

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9y ago

Why shouldn't they? Some religious leaders were renowned scientists in their time, such as Maimonides (1135-1204); and some scientists today are religious. Religion deals with God, while science seeks to explore the created world, through microscopes, telescopes, chemistry and so on.

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Q: Relationship between religion and science
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How are science and religion related?

Science and religion both seek to explain the world around us, but they operate in different ways. Science uses evidence and experimentation to understand the natural world, while religion often involves faith and belief in the supernatural. Some people find that science and religion can complement each other, while others see them as fundamentally incompatible. Ultimately, how they are related depends on individual perspectives and interpretations.

What generalizations could you make about the relationship between politics and religion in the middle ages?

In the Middle Ages, politics and religion were deeply intertwined, with the church wielding significant influence over matters of governance and society. Rulers often used religion to legitimize their power and control the population. The era saw frequent conflicts between secular rulers and the church over authority and control.

Do you believe in Science or Religion?

I don't have personal beliefs. Science and religion offer different perspectives for understanding the world, and individuals may choose to embrace one, both, or neither based on their own beliefs and experiences.

How is religion philisophical?

Religion can be considered philosophical because it deals with fundamental questions about life, existence, morality, and the nature of reality. It often explores concepts such as purpose, meaning, and the relationship between humanity and the divine. Philosophers have examined these same questions through reason and logic, leading to a discussion of the philosophical aspects of religion.

What is K'Jon religion?

K'Jon is primarily a fictional character created in the Science Fiction Roleplaying Game "Traveller". As such, K'Jon does not have a specific religion associated with them.

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