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Muslim and Christians. No Jewish

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Cali Cruickshank

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Religious conflicts refer to disputes or tensions that arise between individuals or groups with different religious beliefs or practices. These conflicts can stem from differences in religious doctrines, rituals, or interpretations of sacred texts and often result in social, political, or cultural tensions or violence.

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Q: What are religious conflicts?
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What is the definition of religious conflicts?

Religious conflicts are disagreements, tensions, or hostilities that arise between individuals or groups due to differences in religious beliefs, practices, or ideologies. These conflicts can manifest in various forms, including violence, discrimination, or social exclusion, and may impact both individuals and societies.

What are the religious conflicts in Brazil?

Religious conflicts in Brazil are primarily between Roman Catholics and Evangelical Christians, with some tensions also between practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions, such as CandomblΓ© and Umbanda, and mainstream Christian groups. These conflicts often revolve around issues of belief, competition for followers, and historical prejudice. Overall, Brazil is known for its religious diversity and tolerance, but instances of discrimination and violence based on religious differences can still occur.

What is a religious faction?

A religious faction is a subgroup within a larger religious community that holds distinct beliefs, practices, or interpretations of faith. These factions may differ from the mainstream teachings of the religion and can sometimes lead to internal conflicts or divisions within the religious community.

Religious loyalties that contribute to tension and even conflict between groups or nations are referred?

as religious tensions or conflicts. This can occur due to differences in beliefs, practices, or interpretations of religious teachings, leading to competition, animosity, and even violence between different religious groups or nations.

Do the Christians and Muslims fight over Jerusalem in current day?

There have been historical and ongoing conflicts between different religious groups in Jerusalem, including Christians and Muslims, over issues related to the city's control and religious sites. These conflicts often stem from deeply held religious beliefs and historical claims to the area. Political and territorial disputes also play a significant role in the tensions surrounding Jerusalem.

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What are the two places in Europe where ethnic and religious conflicts became violent?

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How did religious conflicts impact the political scenario in France and did they increase or decrease the power of the monarchy?

The religious conflicts impacted the political scenario in negative ways and created discontent and turmoil. These conflicts decreased the power of the monarchy.

Did religious conflicts in Europe come to America?

Of course.

What are lebanon's religious conflicts?

Muslim and Christians. No Jewish

What are religious conflicts in India?

Hindu and Muslim riots.

Why did conflicts arise between religions in the middle colonies?

The same reason religious conflicts arise anywhere: because religious groups fight over their differences no matter where they are.

What is the definition of religious conflicts?

Religious conflicts are disagreements, tensions, or hostilities that arise between individuals or groups due to differences in religious beliefs, practices, or ideologies. These conflicts can manifest in various forms, including violence, discrimination, or social exclusion, and may impact both individuals and societies.

Why were there religious conflicts in rome?

Because ppeople there were drunk so they like 5,000,000 conflicts each day

What religious believer mean by conflict?

The Religious conflicts is when, one is torn between good and evil.

Which was a basis for the internal conflicts in Iran in the 1970s?

the religious power of the ayatollahs

What are some of the religious conflicts in the us today?

Weapon selling