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its because one feels truly that one is not the centre of anything;loss of ego; absence of doer and enjoyer feelings gives person stability mental well being and free from worries.

this has telling effect on health.that's why.

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1w ago

There is no conclusive scientific evidence that directly links belief in God to increased lifespan. Factors such as community support, lifestyle choices, and genetics play a more significant role in determining longevity. Engaging in practices like prayer and meditation may contribute to overall well-being and stress reduction, which could potentially impact health outcomes.

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Q: Why do people who believe in God live longer?
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What is God's decree?

That depends on which God you believe in. Various people believe that the God they worship has made one or more decrees about how they should live.

If you believe in God now what did people believe in when God wasn't born?

There were no people when God wasn't born, because God has been here forever. And you can live forever too, if you except God into your heart. Then when you die, you can go to Heaven, live with God and Jesus, and live forever!

How can you live longer than others?

For people who believe in god and souls-We can't do it by purpose.We are god's gift and god decides how our life should be.Like when we are sending a gift to a person, we decide how to pack it. Its the same.You must have heard about the lady who lived for more than 100 years.She must be a very good lady.And so god must have thought that she has the right to live for many years. Some people are god.they have the complete right to live for many years.for people who don't believe in god and souls-Health is the secret...if you never get hurt in your whole life...don't eat junk food AT ALL.We could possibily live longer than others.It also depends on how you are treated throughout your life.It's a miracle though.

How Faith in Jesus in todays world?

Well today most of the world is no longer religiously intolerant so people may now choose to believe in their own god, or in the Christian god and his son, or just not believe in any god. So the world is partially no longer suppressed by religion, and Christ.

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I believe that God's helpers are those people who help teach/spread God's spiritual truths by example in the way they live their lives.

What are people who do not believe in a god called?

People who do not believe in a god are called atheists.

How do you call someone who believe in god but not god from bible?

If someone decides not to believe that there is not a God, then that is their choice - why the need to call them anything - live and let live.

how many people believe in god?

I believe in god. also, write why u believe in god :)

Why do people believe a god exists when it's more than obvious that one does not?

Groups of people believe in god because that's the religion they believe in which states that this one god made the Earth, and that he set certain rules for them to follow, and live by, and its their choice wiether they choose and believe to follow these rules, but if you are not someone that believes in an Almighty God, then like i said its up to you what you decide to choose and believe in!

Why did God create people that do not believe in him?

* God did not really create people. So, he did not create people who do not believe in him. If there is an all-powerful God, why would he need, above all else, that people believe in him? * God created people with a free will. They can then choose whether to believe or not.

Did God create gay people?

This depends entirely on what you believe about God. Most people who believe in God, believe that God created everything. Since being gay is part of nature, and not a choice, then it follows if you believe God created everything, then you must believe God created gay people.

Do some English people believe in god?

Yes, I'm sure some English people believe in God.