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Yes they are found in dirt at west Texas

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Q: Are yellow spotted lizard found in texas?
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Where can yellow spotted lizard be found?

in texas wher the climat is right

What countries are yellow spotted lizards found?

the yellow spotted lizard can be found in hot countries such as Texas and other places like that where they can find places to hide under things like rocks cracks and oth places also under ground. e.s as thanks you xoxo

Where does a yellow spotted lizard live?

a Yellow Spotted lizard mainly lives in a hot, warm environment and where there are plants for there favourote food, sunflower seeds

Are there yellow spotted lizards in Texas that kill humans?

No, it's not. At least, the one that they describe in the book Holes isn't. There is, however, a type of lizard called the yellow-spotted tropical night lizard. This lizard is known to to be aggressive, and their bites are painful, but not poisonous, let alone fatal.

Is there such a thing as a yellow-spotted lizard?

If you are thinking of the lizard on the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar then no, but there is such thing called the Yellow Spotted Night Lizard although their bites are not fatal, they are aggressive and when bitten it is very painful. They live in decaying logs in wet climate in central Mexico and Panama but are slowly ranging to South America.

Where do yellow spotted lizards live?

Texas and mexico and deserts

How long is the yellow spotted lizard?

In a sense, yellow spotted lizards do not exist. Similar types of lizards exist but not this specific one. It is a character from the book Holes by Louis Sachar. In the book, there is a boy called Stanley Yelnats. The boy is sent to Camp Green Lake in Texas. Camp Green Lake is a dried up lake in the baking heat. The boy has to dig holes and some of these holes have yellow spotted lizards in them. According to the author, if you get bitten by the lizards then you will painfully die. It is reported to have exactly eleven spots, it has red rings around its eyes, its bite is venomous and can even be fatal and in the real world it doesn't exist.

When was Texas spotted whiptail created?

Texas spotted whiptail was created in 1852.

When was Texas horned lizard created?

Texas horned lizard was created in 1825.

Are coyotes found in Texas?

Yes, co have been spotted in neighborhoods and suburbs. There are some cats and small dogs that have been eaten by coyotes in Texas.

What is texas's reptile?

The horned lizard.

Is the Texas Horned Lizard a carnivore?

yes it is