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The Cobra is a snake and can shoot poison as a projectile.

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Q: Can any animals can shoot poison as a projectile and what are they?
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When squirrel bite do they have poison?

They don't have poison, but there is a chance that they carry rabies. So if you encounter squirrels, avoid them or contact squirrel removal like the critter guy.

Any substance harmful to animals?

Alchohol and poison.

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You can hunt.. u need a license but you can shoot Deer, buck, turkey, rabbits, ducks, and thats about it i believe[=

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You can shoot MOST animals w/ guns. You can shoot anything from a mouse to a elephant. You can't really shoot whales or any BIG under water animals. You can harpoon smaller fish.

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Any type of armor with Projectile Protection basically makes it so you receive less damage from arrows, like when skeletons shoot you or if you shoot an arrow straight into the air and it hits you when it comes down.

Can you shoot possums?

If this animal is threatening any farm animals-like chickens, then it is legal to shoot them. If you are just out to shoot something for fun then no, it is illegal to shoot them.(in some states it is legal) Check your local state hunting guidelines.

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No. The box jellyfish has a stronger poison than any other jellyfish.

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An ava accumulator is an item that when you shoot any projectile, an arrow knive etc., sometimes the arrow will automatically teleport back into your quiver so you may shoot it again. i dont know about the " id for a 525 server" part.

Can rabbits die from hand sanitizer?

Yes, they can! It can poison kids too, and of course pets or any other animals.

Is it legal to shoot a pellet gun Winnipeg?

The way the law reads is, "It's illegal to launch a projectile of any type with in the city limits. Pellet gun, slingshot, bow and arrow, etc, etc.

Which is not poisonous to people Gila monster man of war wasp or bat?

All of the animals use poison except bats. They might bite you, and they might have rabies, but they don't have any poison.

What animals does rat posion kill?

Rat poison can kill any small animal , but if a large animal contains the poison with a certain amount it will possibly kill or injure the possessor. Rat poison can also kill babies or small children.