The male will try to impress the female by bobbing it's head and showing it's dewlap. After the female has chosen the male they will position themselves by linking their tails togeather. Then the female will be pregnant and dig a hole to lay her eggs. After she has done this, she will lay her eggs and about 45 days later you will have baby green anoles. Hope this helps =]
No. An Iguana is in Phylum Cordata and a scorpion is in Phylum Arthropoda. It is virtually impossible to mate between Phyla.
Domestic iguanas do.
Iguanas are picky.
Iguanas eat dark, leafy, green veggies. Mostly animals bigger than iguanas will eat them.
yes iguanas are herbivores
Iguanas do not have a prehensile tail.
iguanas have a spiky tail to whip predators. (:
Iguanas are a type of tropical lizard. They have bony crests and are green in coloring. Iguanas are often kept as pets.
iguanas get up to 6 ft and 11 pounds
Iguanas lived approximately NOW.
Iguanas can be red...... They can change and blend colours with others....
Iguanas do not eat insects because they are herbivores.