Yes, it is a myth that turtle leave their shells and find new ones or can leave their shell at all. A turtles shell is actually a hard, bone covering over their ribs. A turtles shell will shed off each individual scute to reveal another one under neath.
i think it would grow with the turtle and then when it is an adult the shell would be fully grown
yes the shell grows
yes the shell will grow with the turtle,, but you may be feeding to much ?if its getting to fat
No - the shell expands with the growth of the turtle.
No. The turtle is connected to its shell just like you're connected to your skin. Can you live without your skin? Nope. i can! xD ha jk
A turtles shell is a part of its' body made out of bone. Turtles grow their own shells.
Oddly enough, a turtle's shell is actually attached to it's body. It is not like it can take it off and find a new one. A turtle's shell is actually part of it's vertabre. It's like extended bone. Otherwise, it couldn't grow as the turtle does.
An alligator could eat a turtle in its shell, and a shark could eat a sea turtle in its shell.
As with any turtle the turtle shell is called CARAPACES.
A sea turtle has an external shell.
If a turtle does not have a shell, it can be both naked and homeless.
Turtles do not 'get into' their shells, they are born in their shells which are part of their bodies (they can not come off) and their shells grow with them.