Typically a crested gecko wil take 24months to reach full maturity.
Crested geckos use their tongue to pick up scent molecule's. They are sniffing the area.
This tank is very large but is intended for ground dwelling species such as fat tail geckos and leopard geckos. Crested geckos are a semi arboreal species of gecko and require a vertical oriented terrarium. The minimal requirement for a single adult crested gecko should be 12X12X18. The animals will spend the majority of their time at least 14 + inches off the ground.
Crested geckos have pigments in their skin, very similar to us humans. These pigments have to ability to darken or lighten. In most cases, breeders and keepers use the term "Firing up" to explain the pigments brightening up. There are a few ways and reasons that a crested gecko will fire up. If a crested gecko has been exposed to light, they tend to fire up, this allows them to draw in as much sunlight as possible to stay warm. Another way, is when a gecko is stressed. Hunger plays a role as well. Temperature and time of day tie in with one another, When it's dark out, the cresties are active. Also during nightfall, the temperature tends to drop 5-8F and this usually indicates when its time to wake up.
90% of the time the two species do not require the same care. In most cases, people will try to house a leopard gecko with a crested gecko. Leopard geckos live in heat reaching 105F each day with up to 14 hours of light and 0% humidity, very dry. The crested gecko live in temps never exceeding 80F with 10-12hours of sunlight and up to 90% humidity. One of the species is guaranteed death depending on what the setup of the tank is (desert or tropical)
You should NEVER mix reptile species unless... (a) they are from the same country (b) need the same type of climate (c) they are active at the same time of day (d) they are not likely to view each other as their next meal
I would suggest you get a leopard gecko or a crested gecko as your first lizard pet. Both are low maintenance reptiles that have fairly good temperaments. They don't grow very large and don't require a big cage either. However, keep in mind that these lizards live for a very long time and require your time and dedication to live their entire life-spans.other good first pet- gargoyle gecko (care requirements are similar to those of a crested gecko)- bearded dragon (great first pet if you can provide a large enclosure and the proper diet)-geckos of the rhacodactylus genus (these geckos are great first lizard pets! The crested gecko and the gargoyle gecko are members of this genus. Other members of this genus include: leachianus, rough snouted, chaoua, sasorinum geckos. However, these geckos (with the exception of crested and gargoyle geckos) often command a hefty price.
Crested geckos can stress extremely easily. Go over your husbandry to ensure the best possible care. This is what your husbandry should look like:Lighting: Indirect light, room light or uvb lighting.heating: NO heat unless your house is lower than 66 Degree's FahrenheitHumidity: Must be reaching 60%-80% for at least 3 hours daily.Substrate: PeatMoss/Coco Mix, Moss/coco/eco earth, Paper towel (to hold moisture)Crested diet: Repashy, Clarks, T-ReXxFeeders: Crickets, meal worms, RoachesTerrarium: A 20Gallon Tall Is minimal requirement for adultsCage mates: Males must not be housed together. Females of same size and weight can be housed.If your readings are following that guideline and your crestie is still freaking out, This can be due to:- Early handling, A crested gecko is nocturnal, handling during the day is not always prefered.- Shedding issue, A crested gecko with shed stuck to it's toes will have an un comforting feeling on the feet and will not like to be handled.- Parasites, A crested gecko that is infested with internal or external mites will show signs of stress and must be taken to a vet.- Impaction, A crested gecko that has consumed substrates can swell on the insides and start showing sign of fecal problems.If none on the list contributes, please take your pet to a professional vertrinary clinic specializing in herps.
Crested gecko eggs can take 60-120 days to hatch. There are a few factors to consider when incubating crested gecko eggs. Eggs incubated at temperatures ranging from 75-82 F will take 60-100 days to hatch and have a 75-80% chance to hatch out as males. Eggs incubated at temperatures ranging from 68-75 F will take 90-120 days to hatch and have a 75-80% chance to hatch out as female. Eggs incubated at warmer temperatures for shorter lengths have a higher chance to produce male. Eggs incubated at cooler temperatures for longer periods of time, have a higher chance of producing female geckos.
Usually a crested gecko going through shed will lighten in color. The animal will look almost pale and most likely activly calm down and tend to stay in one given area. During this time the animal is under going stress, avoid handling when shedding.
The simple answer is it depends. If they are diurnal - they sleep at night, if they are nocturnal (eg. crested gecko) they will sleep through the day. It all depends on the species of Gecko.
Yes, a Gecko's tail will grow back over time.
This is how to make gecko slop. Just don't give it to your gecko every night. Gecko Slop Recipe:Blend in a blender to a runny consistency, (a little more runny than baby food) It will solidify a little with time.1 1/2 cups filtered water2 tablespoons Repashy Superfoods powder1/2 large ripe banana or one small banana1/2 cup Musselman's Natural Unsweetened Applesauce (no sugar substitutes)1 small pinch calcium powder( Repashy Superfood).