If you mean swimming up to the glass and frantically trying to swim to you, he's trying to get you to give him food. It's too easy to give into his/her begging, but overfeeding it can lead to health problems. Small red eared sliders should be fed once a day and adults should be fed every other day.
Yes. You need to take him to a Herp vet immediately. Even if you can't see anything physically wrong with him there could be serious internal damage.
it has the wrong fluid in the transmission
that's not a question that's a statement wrong website
If he does there's something wrong with him. There is a boy for every girl and Matt and inez are for each other while Jackie is for slider.
The turtle you are describing sounds like a red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), which is a common species of turtle kept as pets. They are known for their distinctive red markings on their head and limbs, with a yellow underside.
the wineing is probably the fuel injecters because that is what was wrong with my dads truck.
A musal might be pulled,borken leg, really thirsty. But if it still whining even after you give it water, go to your local vet or animal hospital.
K.K. Slider actually plays any random songs when you write a song he hasn't made. Its actually not a wrong request.
Chances are, from what you've said, you need to take the dog to a vet immediately. There could be something very serious wrong with it.
Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places was created on 1996-10-14.
If the healing period is over and he should not be in pain anymore, take her back to the veterinarian to find out. Something might be wrong, like a nerve is pinched.
I don't think I am wasting my time looking for answers, because not everything on this site is wrong.