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Answer 1:

No: KFC food is NOT HEALTHY because it has over 100 calories, lots of grease, and trans fats in the chicken which may cause high cholesterol, heart attack, and or stroke.

Answer 2:

Yes: The menu has fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, mashed potatos...all served in a clean envrionment with ingredients that are not rotting or contaminated.

As Americans, we need to look outside our borders - or into our past - before condemning a food as unhealthy. You may eat their food without getting sick or dying, and with the calories, proteins and vitamins needful for continued life. This would strike most of the world, thoughout most of history, as "healthy".

As to concerns of cholesterol and grease, these are more specific to an individual's proclivities toward concerns later in life. As such, the most that could be said is that the food may not be "optimal" for a given individual.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Fried chicken is both, it can be unhealthy and healthy. It can be unhealthy when it is cooked in "fatty" oils and it can be healthy when it is cooked with natural flour and wheat, sort of like natural ingredients. There can be many more differences, but I believe this is the major one.

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10y ago

The chickens are probably not raised in a healthy evironment and may be genetically enhanced for quicker growth. The foods are fried and the oils may contain GMOs. The food may contain lots of preservatives.

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13y ago

Frying by itself doesn't make a food unhealthy. It's the amount and the frequency the food is eaten that leads to health issues. As Julia Child said, "Eat everything - but in moderation."

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13y ago

Yes, but your body can filter pretty much anything in moderation. You won't get fat if you eat KFC once in a while, but eat it everyday and you'll feel and look bad.

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