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Sure he could and depending on the circumstances it might even be acceptable to all who see him. In my case I reluctantly wore my sister's figure skating dress and tights to a neighborhood Halloween party when I was seven years old. My sister had noticed how much more attention I paid to her when she was dressed for skating. How I was always complimenting her on how pretty she looked and especially how nice her costums were. I guess from what she later told me, I seemed to pay a lot of attention to hew skating dresses, feeling the fabric, spreading out the skirts, telling her which ones I thought were the prettiest etc and generally just smiling and enjoying handeling them over the past few years. So on this Halloween I had tripped and tore up my pirate costume in the alley right along the apartment building where we lived. (at least my candy survived). Anyway, I was not going to go to the Halloween party without a costume. That's when my sisters suggested to our mom to dress me up in one of my sister's skating costumes. I was so embarassed yet my stomach turned in excitement when thsy said it. Within a half hour there I was dressed in a pair of suntan tights and a pretty black skating dress that my sister used for practicing. When I looked in the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door, it was like WOW ! ! ! My mom and sisters were like okay, lets go. My mom said hey wait, what kind of shoes can he wear ? Well I said I can wear my rollerskates. At first my mom wasn't going to let me but finally agreed. I put a pair of socks over the tights and we went out the back door and down the stairs (we lived on the 3rd floor) where I sat on the bottom stair and laced up my skates. When I got up and started skating thru the yard towards the gate I started to really feel my stomach reel and I started to get real scared, I think the realization of how I was dressed sunk in when the air rushed around me and the little skirt started to flutter and tickel the tops of my thighs and my butt. I held onto the gate post and said to my sisters that I changed my mind, I can't go. Well they eventually encouraged me enough to give in and when some of the other kids in the alley saw us they started yelling and whisteling and even some of the moms couldn't help but tell me how great my costume was. I really started to feel great, the air rushing against my body, tightly wrapped in the tights and skating dress sent wave after wave of highly charged elecrricity through me from head to foot. I started skating fast, jumping and doing fast turns, loving the sensations of the skirt's gentle touch on my hips and thighs. I heard nothing but happy wonderful comments at the party except from a few of the guys that were a little older then me but everyone else seemed to always stick up for me when they heard them say something. I had so much fum and enjoyed wearing that costume so much that my mom eventually let my sister give it to me. My mom let me wear it in the house and at the rink when we'd take my sister to practice. Although I wasn't able to skate on the ice, I did skid and slide on it before their practice started. The instructor said to my mom that I should take ice skating lessons, I asked if I could wear my skating dress and she shot me down saying it wouldn't be appropriate. Boy's don't wear girls outfits when practicing or competing. I remember telling my mom that in that case I don't want to. I think my mom felt I would out grow my desire to wear my skating dress before long but when I eventually out grew the dress, I asked my mother if she would buy me a new one. She of coarse refused. My sister would let me wear her skating dresses over the next couple of years until my groth started to out pace hers. My sister could see how sad I was not being able to dress up and all my sisters as well as myself began to beg my mom to buy me a new skating dress, a cheap and ugly one would be fine. Finally she said okay and we all got into the car and went up to Rainbo on Clark St. My mon bought me one a little bigger then I needed saying it'll last longer and it better because it would be the last one she ever buys for her "son", but it was beautiful. I'll never forget, it was a black sleeveless v neck, with a french cut bottom and a wonderful lettuce edged skirt. It was made by Danskin and had the danskin figure stitched in black on the left upper chest area. I was so excited and happy. My mon also bought me a new pair of tights and let me pick them out. They were Capezzio "toast" support tights. The lady who owned the place named Myra, asked if I wanted to wear them home and my sisters and I all yelled "yes mom, please". It was so cool, my sisters seemed to share my excitement and joy as much as I did. Once we got home my mom took me aside and talked to me very lovingly about the dangers of wearing my new outfit outside, especially if I'm rollerskating in the park and most especially if I'm alone. She told me what could happen to me as best as she could and we hugged each other tightly and I promissed her I would remember what she had said. I continued to get the most incredible adrenaline rush from the moment I was dressed in my skating outfits for the next twenty plus years. It never once failed to make my heart race, my legs to get week in the knees at times, the incredible exotic and sensual sensations that stayed with me for hours even after I changed into my regular clothes. All I know is that when I'm dressed in tights and a skating dress and rollerblading (changed with the technology but still quad skate) along the paved pathways of Chicago's lakefront (or wherever) I truly feel alive. All my senses seem to be in hyperdrive, every nerve ending has such exquisite sensations surging to my brain from every molecule of air that rushes against that wonderful fabric covering my body that it actually makes me dizzy in the head. it seems like the adrenaline rush doesn't stop. I don't know if this constitutes a fetish or what but to me SKATING DRESSES ROCK MY WORLD.

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āˆ™ 13y ago
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āˆ™ 1mo ago
Wow ! What an awesome story! Rock On
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Lvl 2
āˆ™ 4mo ago

Why not? I for one would like to see what a guy in a figure skating dress and tights would look lIke. He would certainly turn a lot of heads and Iā€™d imagine it would take a super amount of guts unless he is a drag queen. But a regular boy next door, Iā€™d like to see what style and color he would pick out. Probably all black. LOL

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Lvl 1
āˆ™ 1mo ago
I have many skating dresses from all possible colors with tights too. Just in case you would like to see. But only in picture ;)

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Lvl 2
āˆ™ 1mo ago

I do have many skating dresses. Like around 30. I wear them every day at home to feel comfortable. A few people knows about it but only one saw me actualy wearing some of them in person.

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āˆ™ 14y ago

Well, all guys look different, so yes, maybe some type of guys will.

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āˆ™ 13y ago

A boy would most likley not. They would were special clothing. A boy wearing a skating dress would just be akward -_-

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āˆ™ 4y ago


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skates (obviously), stretchy pants (like yoga pants or underarmor), or a skating dress. If you are just skating, you can pretty much wear anything. (Including skates, of corse)

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Ice skating clothes?

Your wear tights (over the boot or not) with either a stretchy skirt on top or a dress, though most people prefer leggings or stretch pants. You would also wear a fairly streamline jacket and often gloves. This is the outfit people wear for skating in though there are variations.

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if ur A girl wear a dress if ur a guy wear something there. its not tht hardddd

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When choosing an ice skating dress one must consider whether they are skating in a competition or for practice. One must consider the type of music they are skating to as well.

What to wear ice skating?

When you are ice skating you can wear different things. It really depends on what you are doing, and weather you are a guy or a girl. If you are a girl and you are ice skating just for fun, you should wear clothes that keep you warm. I would prefer gloves. (incase you fall). If you are going to figure skate, or compete you would wear this: your hair up, (unless its too short), your ice skating dress, your ice tites,(leggings you wear when ice skating. These can go over the boot part of your skate and they are called "boot covers". Or they also have tites that only go from the inside of your boot up to the top of your knee.) If you are a boy you would wear an ice suit, or just normal clothes if you are skating for fun. If you are a guy or girl wanting to play hockey and not figure skate, you would wear special padding and a special kind of skate. While figure skating its best to wear ice tites or leggings rather than socks. Though socks would be okay if you had to. Source: Former ice skater Cynthia Ridyard.