

Best Answer

Yes, rumpled is an adjective. It can mean disheveled, not straightened.

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Q: Is Rumpled an adjective
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Related questions

What is a sentence using the word rumpled?

His cloths is rumpled all over.

How many syllables in rumpled?

rumpled has 2 syllables

How do you use rumpled in a sentence?

The clothes got rumpled because I didn't hang them up. The detective's rumpled appearance disguised a shrewd and logical mind.

Can you give me the sentence using the word rumpled?

i rumpled my homework because i was mad at my teacher

What rhymes with crumpled?


What is a synonym for the word rumpled?

Crumple, Wrinkle,

What is the past tense of rumple?

The past tense of rumple is rumpled.

When is your mind like a rumpled bed?

Your mind is like a rumpled bed when it feels cluttered, disorganized, or chaotic. Just as a rumpled bed needs tidying up to create a sense of calm and order, your mind may benefit from some mental decluttering or relaxation techniques to regain clarity and focus.

What does rumpled mean?

Extremely disorder, unmade bed, in other words a hot mess!

After being rejected by Lee J Cobb whom did the producers approach to play the rumpled detective called Columbo?

Bing Crosby

How do you use the word rumple in a sentence?

To rumple is to muss or ruffle or tousle, more commonly seen as the past participle adjective "rumpled." Even more rarely, rumple is used as a noun."After he made his bed each morning, his pet cat would playfully rumple all of the covers.The girl's curly hair was arranged in a casual rumple that looked windblown and wild.

How did Albert Einstein dress?

Albert Einstein was known for his simple and casual style of dress. He often wore a rumpled, comfortable suit or sweater, with unkempt hair and a pipe. His focus was on comfort rather than fashion.