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"Ballistic roll" is a marketing term used by some private companies that sell sealed rolls of uncirculated US Coins. The rolls are usually accompanied by elaborate display cases.

The problem with many of these offers is that they're hyped as instant collectibles and are sold for far more than the coins and cases are actually worth. The companies count on buyers not doing any research before they hand over their credit card number. A running joke in the numismatic community is that the only "ballistic" aspect of these coins is how angry purchasers are when they find out how much they've been overcharged.

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yes, maybe a 10,000th of a cent

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Q: What are ballistic roll coins worth?
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How many coins in a ballistic roll?

I have a Ballistic Roll of James Monroe coins and it has 50 coins in it.

What is a roll of 1955 s Lincoln pennys worth?

It depends on the quality of the coins, a original uncirculated roll is about $15.00 a roll of circulated coins is $1.50

Is there such thing as a roll of dollar coins and how much is one worth?

Yes. A dollar coin roll is worth $25.00.

How many twoonies to a standard roll?

50$ worth, 25 coins

What is the value of a roll of ballistic gold coins 2008?

The term "ballistic roll" is a meaningless phrase invented by a private company that took ordinary Presidential dollar coins, packaged them in plastic, and sold them at inflated prices by means of hyped advertising. Presidential dollars are brass, not gold, so they're NOT precious metal coins or anything special. The only positive note is that the coins are uncirculated so they might bring about $1.25 to $1.50 on the open market. But that's far less than their cost from the company that packaged them.

How much is a roll of 2.00 worth?

There are 20 nickels in a $2.00 roll of coins. There are 50 dimes in a $5.00 roll of dimes, and there are 50 pennies in a $0.50 roll of pennies.

What is a 425 grams ballistic roll?

Sounds like something from the World Monetary Reserve, a private outfit that packs ordinary circulation coins in special holders they call "ballistic rolls" and sells them at significant markups. However most of what I've heard tells me that "ballistic" actually describes how people go when they find out that they've paid 3 or 4 times as much for these coins as compared to just getting them from a local bank.

How much is an uncirculated roll of buffalo nickels worth?

These are very common coins. They were made by the millions. You might get 3-4 dollars for your coins.

How much is an original roll of gold Sackagawea dollars directly from US Mint?

One bank roll of dollars contains 25 coins, so the roll is worth $25.

How much is an uncirculated 2005 roll of buffalo nickels worth?

These are very common coins. They were made by the millions. You might get 3-4 dollars for your coins.

What is the value of a unopened roll of Susan B Anthony dollars.?

It is just worth face value, unless the roll says "US Mint" on it. Since there are usually 25 coins in a small dollar roll, a roll of Susan B. Anthony dollars are just worth $25. If it says US Mint on the roll it might have a small premium of $2-5 over spot.

How much is an uncirculated 25 roll of sacagewa coins worth?

You might be able to get upwards of $2 per coin at best.