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There are two kinds of Irish dance shoes. Both are black in color. The first shoe, called soft shoes or gillies, are similar to Ballet shoes but rather than having an elastic band, they lace up. Laces are arranged in a crisscross pattern which begins about where the toes meet the foot. The laces tie in a bow after being wrapped around the arch of the foot or the ankle if the laces are too long. The second type of shoes are known as hard shoes or jig shoes. These shoes are kind of a mix between hip hop dance shoes and tap shoes. Hard shoes lace up in the front and have a seam in the front portion similar to that seen in some men's dress shoes. These shoes also have a buckle that tightens over the top portion of the ankle. I mentioned that they were like tap shoes and hip hop shoes mixed? Well they have the large toe and heel going on but these are made of fiberglass and produce a loud tapping or clicking noise. Soft shoe dances are pretty soft and graceful whereas hard shoe dances are all about the noise and the music of the shoe. Now that I've answered your question, I wonder why you didn't just Google it?

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

In Irish dancing, you have two pairs of shoes.

The first pair are called soft or light shoes. They have a thin leather piece that goes around the base of your foot, and then long laces that go over the top of your foot near your ankle.

The second pair of shoes are called heavy or hard shoes. They have about a 2inch heel and a smaller piece of meatl at the front, acting as a front of shoe heel.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The soft ones are gillies and the hard ones are just called Hard Shoes. I take Irish dancing. THERES PROOF! Haha

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What are the Irish Tap Dancing Shoes called?

I think they are called "heavy shoes"

Why do Irish dancer's wear Irish dancing shoes?

Without the right types of shoes you cannot do Irish dancing. It is much the same as tap dancers need special kinds of shoes. There are two main types of shoes for Irish dancing: hard shoes and soft shoes. These are needed for the different styles of dancing.

What type shoes we have to wear while dancing?

Irish Dance shoes, Tap shoes

What are key features that make Irish dancing shoes unique?

There are two types of Irish dancing shoes: hard shoes and soft shoes. Hard shoes are similar to tap shoes, but have fiberglass tips and heels. The soft shoes are similar to American style jazz shoes.

What do you wear for Irish dancing?

You have to wear Irish dancing shoes and there are the light shoes which are kind of like slippers!! And then there are heavy shoes which are kind of like high heels ( but not high tough). And when you are dancing at a show or something you have to wear a dress and there are different dresses as you get better!

What do men wear when Irish dancing?

They wear a shirt, tie, waistcoat, trousers, black socks and special dancing shoes.

What is a stylistic features of Irish dancing?

crossed legs, on toes, pointed toes, arms in, feet turned out. Hard shoes (similar in appearance to tap shoes) and soft shoes which are called grilles are worn. :) hope that helps!

What is dancing on tips of the toes called?

It does not have a special name but the shoes are called point shoes

What are flamenco shoes called?

Flamenco shoes. Improve this if you have a better answer. Maybe DANCING SHOES>

What dance is Ireland known for?

Various forms of Irish dancing in general, and for the show called Riverdance, which has Irish dancing and other forms of dancing from different countries featured in it.

What shoes are connected with Irish step dancing?

In the lighter dances we wear ghillies, or soft shoes, and in the dances where we make a lot of noise with our feet we wear hard shoes.

What shoes are worn for Irish dancing?

Laced, hard shoes. Black, but the bottom is nails and wood pretty much. All of the sides have leather based material.