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There are Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in countries all over the world - 145 countries according to the WAGGGS web site.

For a complete list, you can look at the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts web site.

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How many Girl Scout centers in US?

This answer depends on what you mean by "centers". There are no Girl Guide/Girl Scout World Centers located in the US. Girl Scouts of the USA has the Edith Macy Conference Center, the Girl Scout National Historic Preservation Center, and the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace A National Center of Girl Scouts of the USA. So there are 3 national Girl Scout centers. There are more than 100 GSUSA Councils and each of them has at least one office and possibly other places they call 'centers' so a definite number would be difficult to determine.

Should you capitalize girl scout if you are referring to someone as being a girl scout?

Yes, and so should "Girl Scout". In addition: Girl Scout Brownie is a proper noun because it names a specific level of Girl Scouting, so yes, Brownie should be capitalized whenever referring to a Girl Scout Brownie. Note: GSUSA changed the level names so that "Girl Scout" always comes first, so "Girl Scout Brownie" is the correct usage.

How do you say the girl scout promise in spanish?

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What are the ages for Cadette Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts?

Girl Scouts of the USA changed to a grade level system rather than an age level. So a Girl Scout Cadette is in grades 6, 7, or 8. A Girl Scout Senior is grades 9 or 10. A Girl Scout Ambassador is grades 11 or 12.

What is the difference between the Girl Scout sash and the Girl Scout vest?

The Girl Scout sash is designed to lay on the right shoulder, go around the body, with the bottom of the sash on the left side of the body. The Girl Scout vest is designed so that it is worn by inserting both arms with an opening on the front. Placement of the insignia and awards is different on each. When wearing the Girl Scout sash, the pin tab with the membership pin and the WAGGGS pin is worn on the left side of the shirt rather than being on the sash. See related links for illustrations of both the Girl Scout sash and the Girl Scout vest.

What is the Girl scout law in Greece?

You must have a penis that is longer than 8 inches.

Does the Girl Scout have to pay for Girl Scout cookies and turn in the money from the sales?

It depends on the Girl Scout council. They are making changes in the council product sales. So, yes, you might have to pay for your Girl Scout cookies at the time you place your order or you might wait until they are delivered. Some councils are now having the girls have the cookies with them so you pay and receive your cookies all at the same time - rather than placing orders. Cookie booths are also more available, and again, you pay for and received your cookies all at the same time.

How much does a Girl Scout troop make?

Girl Scout troops earn enough to fund their activities and cover their expenses, such as supplies and awards. An older girl troop which is planning to travel a distance will be earning more than a younger troop which does short field trips.

What does a Girl Scout get for selling cookies?

Each Girl Scout council in America determines their product sale guidelines and what the Girl Scouts in their council receive for selling cookies. Each Girl Scout council retains some of the cookie profit and each troop receives some of the profit. Girl Scout councils also offer some type of incentives for selling various amounts of cookies. These incentives might be things like stuffed animals, key chains, toys, etc. The incentives might also include some form of credit which the girls may use for Girl Scout activities or might be an additional amount of profit for the troop. There are various awards and participation patches Girl Scouts may receive from Girl Scout cookie sales.

Are Girl Scout Junior badges the same as Cadette badges?

No, the Cadette badges are different than Junior badges.

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Its 12 inches shorter than the other

In literature what is the best definition of a flat character?

A flat character is one that is not described very well, such as "the baker" or "a girl scout" or "the fat man." You don't know very much about them other than a simple description.