

Best Answer

This is the fashion that some people like the tattoos and make tattoos on his body and this not illegal or not any way unnatural that is harmful for people. God never hates any art.

Conservative Christian Response

The Bible does condemn at least certain types of tattoos. It says not to make any markings on your body for the dead. It seems like some practiced idolatry and ancestral religions. Perhaps some believed the markings could anchor the spirits of the deceased. Under the grace of God, New Testament believers have discretion. At the same time, we are told that the body is the temple of God. The Great Commission in Acts says that we are to make disciples. If we appear in an offensive manner, then it may handicap our ability to make disciples. Does having a tattoo of the devil or demons on you bring honor to the Lord? How about hate speech, hate symbols, or profanity on your forehead?

We should also apply the doctrine of Paul. Paul gave the example of meats offered to idols. There is nothing wrong with eating such meat. It was the premium cuts and were quite inexpensive compared to meat purchased from actual meat markets. Now in Corinth, this had become an issue that was dividing the Church. So Paul explained both sides of the problem. On one hand, one could eat such meat without sinning, since why would it matter if the meat had previously been offered to a idol that a Christian would never recognize? If you didn't believe in those other gods nor honor/worship them, then why would it matter who it had previously been offered to? On the other hand there were new and prospective believers who didn't have this understanding. They might have come out of that other religion and might have a problem with Christian Believers eating that. So that could harm the case of Christ. So this can be applied to body art. Some are weak or have works-based ideas about Christianity, and seeing a tattoo on someone telling them about Jesus might turn them off to the faith.

Paul also said that all things are lawful, but not all things are expedient (convenient, helpful). Can you get a tattoo? Sure. Should you? Well, that takes careful thought as to the motives, potential outcome, and subject matter of the tattoo. Some tattoos are just not wise, such as the name of a lover, and especially is one is not married to them.

Some considerations to ponder:

  • Does the tattoo honor God?
  • Does the tattoo honor the Devil, demons, other gods, etc?
  • Is the tattoo to commemorate the dead?
  • Is the tattoo patently offensive with hate slurs, hate symbols, porography, etc?
  • Does the tattoo honor sinful behaviors or things commonly believed to be sins?
  • Does the tattoo contain risque messages?
  • Are you sure of the proposed spelling and placement?
  • Is it a tattoo likely to be regretted later, like a lover's name, a cause, or movement?
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