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You can recycle plastic (with the right numbers) and paper at your local recycling center. Below I am listing a web site that will show you were you can recycle certain things in your area. To recycle clothes you can give them to places like Good Will, where other people can buy and use your old clothes.

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Q: How do you recycle things like paper plastic and clothes?
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What are things you can recycle in Hawaii?

Plastic. Paper. Glass. Metals. Aluminium Cans.

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Plastic, glass, aluminum, and paper products are four materials that can be recycled.

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no. you can only recycle paper, plastic, and aluminum.

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Paper, plastic, and metal cans.

What are 4 things you can safely recycle?

* Paper * Plastic water bottles (but not the cap) * Cardboard * Glass bottles

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u can recycle Battries,Cans,Car Batteries,Carborad,foil,gas bottles and meany more hope that helped :)