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10,00 years. no jokes!

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Kellen Bednar

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Plastic doesn't decompose, unless it's made of vegetable oil. Normal plastic breaks down eventually into tiny pieces, but they're still tiny pieces of plastic, which kill birds and animals that eat them accidentally.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

An average time for a plastic bottle to biodegrade fully is approximately 4-5 mins. However, there are many different kinds of plastic in the world, most commonly the hard and reusable ones, which take a longer time, and the soft and non-reusable ones, which take a shorter time. Time also varies with the size of the bottle.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Depends on the plastic.

A polyethylene or polypropylene bag is good pretty much forever if kept away from strong sunlight (e.i. buried in a landfill). Exposed to sunlight's UV it slowly becomes brittle and flakes away.

Bags with a degradable component like cornstarch or cellulose degrade under biological attack and other factors.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Hard plastic takes centuries to decompose. This is why there is a push among environmentalists to reuse and recycle not only plastics but any material that can be kept out of landfills.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

About 400 years. Long time, huh?

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βˆ™ 14y ago

100-200 years

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βˆ™ 13y ago

3 years

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Q: How long does it take a plastic grocery bag to decompose in a landfill?
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Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester and nylon, can take hundreds to thousands of years to decompose in a landfill site due to their non-biodegradable nature. This long decomposition time contributes to environmental pollution and sustainability issues.

How long does it take for plastic to conpost?

You mean decompose -- Plastic decompose in a long period of time depending on the type of plastic and the environmental condition to which it is exposed.

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No oxegen.

How long does it take for a nappy to decompose?

It can take up to 500 years for a disposable diaper (nappy) to decompose due to the materials used in its production, such as plastic and synthetic fibers. This makes disposable diapers a significant contributor to landfill waste.

Do grocery bags decompose faster in the ground?

Plastic bags, despite critical claims by ecological groups, do decompose. Originally the polyethylene in plastic grocery and garbage bags took a very long time to decompose (as other plastic items still do). However, the addition of various substances to the bags now causes the material to fragment, and it is then slowly broken down by natural processes. Early additives required sunlight (UV), but heat and moisture are now key to the degrading process.

How long does it take for a plastic bag to decompose in the toilet?

The plastic bag will not decompose but it may clog up the toilet.

How long does it take for plastic bottles to decompose in a landfill?

It takes 70-450 years to decompose. And if you buy biodegradable platic it only takes 75-180 days. Wow, that is a BIG difference and that is fantastic that people actually look at this and they think about it and then they say "Save The Ozone Layer!" I bet that everyone that reads this will take the step to buy everything that is biodegradable! Thank you soooooo much for reading this an taking time out of your life!

How long does it take for an apple core to decompose in a landfill?

An apple core can take anywhere from few weeks to a few months to decompose in a landfill, depending on the conditions such as moisture, temperature, and the presence of oxygen and microbes. Generally, organic materials like apple cores decompose faster compared to non-biodegradable items.

How long does it take natural plastic to decompose?

About a week

How long does it take duct tape to decompose?

Duct tape can take 20-30 years to decompose in a landfill due to its synthetic nature and plastic coating. However, degradation rates can vary depending on environmental conditions like temperature and moisture levels.