Many people distrusted unions because some were organized by socialists.
Many unions experience divisions related to members being split over decisions regarding strikes, during the late 1800s and early 1900s. This resulted in large unions splitting into smaller ones.
In the early 1900s, there were around 2-3 million members of organized labor in the United States. This number grew significantly over the course of the century due to various factors such as the growth of industrialization and the efforts of labor unions to improve working conditions and workers' rights.
Early unions excluded African Americans during the 1800s. African Americans started their own unions.
The head of the United Mine Workers in the early 1900s was John L. Lewis. He ran the union from 1920 to 1960 and also organized unions for steel and rubber workers.
The head of the United Mine Workers in the early 1900s was John L. Lewis. He ran the union from 1920 to 1960 and also organized unions for steel and rubber workers.
The industrial revolution brought about factories , textile mills and other types of manufacturing. Working conditions in the early days of the industrial revolution were unhealthy, dangerous and workers were paid low wages. Labor unions were formed to create a safe and better paid situation for the workers.
The first labor union was the National Labor Union. It was organized in 1866. Another early labor union was the Knights of Labor. This union was secret society when it first began in 1869. The American Federation of Labor was an early labor union that was led by Samuel Gompers and was established in 1886.
The public believed that the unions were in favor of radical ideas.
As early as 1920, Leon Trotsky stood firm on his belief that trade unions and the Soviet government could have conflicting interests. With that being the case as far as Trotsky was concerned, the trade unions needed to be educated on this crucial point. Trotsky saw the problems that workers were having with the Soviet government and to help solve them, he proposed a "shake up" so to speak of unions and union members who disagreed with Trotsky. Here we see how the early beliefs of Trotsky were changed once he and the Bolsheviks came into power. Early on in his career, he pushed for the protection of the workers' trade unions. Later, once in power he reversed his position. In exile, he reverted to his original idea about government suppression of the workers.