Malcolm x's nick name was Red because of the color thet he permed his hair. Malcolm x's nickname was Red because of the color that he permed his hair.
``His main legacy was for black people to love themselves. Malcolm X was a leading social critic who argued that you cannot have true democracy in a society as long as you have racial suppression,'' said Turner, national chairman of the Malcolm X Commemoration Commission.
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When Malcolm X moved to Boston, he told fellow hustlers he was from Lansing, Michigan. Not knowing where Lansing was, they insisted he was from Detroit. Adding the city with the streak of red Malcolm had in his hair, his nickname was Detroit Red, or just Red, during his days as a hustler.
Cause he smells
Malcolm X
Malcolm X
No, Malcolm X is not single.
what were Malcolm X's goals
Malcolm X died February 21, 1965.R.I.P... MALCOLM X.
Malcolm x meat him in 1867
who the **** is Malcolm X