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Q: What are the effects of water quality on human animals and plants?
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Is it possible for human beings to exist without plants and animals?

No. We depend on plants and animals for food.

What are some human impact on the Taiga biome?

pollution effects the ozone layer and exposes harmful rays to the taiga whitch effects plants and animals life'sglobal warming makes tundra hot which forces plants and animals to adapt to new weather the part humans have in that is the burning of fossil fuelsclear cutting effects the plants around the trees that have been cut down (see related link)

What are animals called that eat plants or animals?

Animals that eat plants as well as animals are known as Omnivores. Example, Human beings.

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What are the effects of ozone in animals and plants?

Pretty much exactly the same as human's. Animals and plants do breathe oxygen too and it is actually our faults for what is happening to the ozone layer because of petrol, diesel and pollution. THE ANIMAL'S DO NOTHING TO HARM THE OZONE LAYER...... WE DO

What is characteristic of plant in the human and animals?

plants is food of humans and animals

Three ways in which human life benefit from plants?

plants give fruitsand vegetables for human and animals

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How do people depend on plants and how the plants depend on us?

Plants are independent , human being depend on plants and animals.