Artistic quality. Beauty. Beauty as a value or aspect of worth. Something that has purely utilitarian (useful) value might be cheap and practical, but people are usually interested in a little aesthetic value, too, even if it adds something in weight, cost, time, etc. For example, much of the design of automobiles has to do with aesthetic value and not function.
The aesthetic value is for every viewer to decide.
They did that for entertainment, as it is an aesthetic value
"Aesthetics" is the study of beauty; "aesthetic value" is the value of something because it is beautiful. Think cars. A car has value because it gets you from A to B, because it's good on gas, because there is lots of room in the back. But if you value your car because it looks good, that's aesthetic value. A building may serve its function and look like a dump, but some buildings are not only functional but beautiful as well, and are valued for it. You can say the same about practically anything in the world, so you should have no trouble finding examples.
For protection and decoration
Anyone who pays that much money for a painting surely appreciates the aesthetic value of the piece.The aesthetic appearance of the monument was improved by the new garden.
By using a metric system called, 'the golden mean'. Google it.
traditionv. Diversitypopularity v. Aesthetic value
Depends on who it was addressed to, what is was written on and with, and whether you want it's insurance value, conservative auction estimate, or its aesthetic value.
It affects the aesthetic value of the image. Composition is very, very, very important.