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Under the social-conflict approach, what a society labels as deviant is based mostly on the norms of the society. What the society considers lawful is normally considered to be within the law.

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Q: According to the social-conflict approach what a society labels as deviant is based mostly on?
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How does the functionalist approach regards dieviance as both dysfunctional?

The functionalist approach in sociology outlines the ways that society must interact in order to achieve stability and harmony. Deviant behavior disrupts this approach and forces society to change in order to reestablish stability.

What answer best describes mores?

the serious prohibitions against deviant behavior in a society that result in severe punishment

What is the relativity of deviance?

Deviance is relative. What people consider deviant varies from culture to culture and from one group to another within the same society. As symbolic interactionists stress, it is not the act, but the reactions to the act, that make something deviant. -Henslin (2009) Sociology a down to earth approach.

Why is anorexia deviant?

Deviant behavior means that they separate themselves from society's norms and develop their own way of living. so anorexia is deviant because all of society (most, anyway) says that we should eat and eat healthy.

What are consequences of deviant behaviour in the society?

If you are exhibiting criminal deviant behavior, then there will be consequences such as being fined or jailed. If it is less serious deviant behavior, then you may upset your family or friends.

Deviant social behavior is best explained by changes in the society's value system and not failures of primary agent of socialization?

Deviant behavior can be traced back to either place, and society and primary socialization play an equal part in causing deviant behavior, as does personal temperament.

What is meant by the statement people only become deviant when others define them as deviant?

the answer for apex is D. Deviance is a concept that society applies to certain behaviors.

Which of these terms refers to a violation of folkways mores and norms of a society?

deviant behavior

List those acts that are deviant but legal and illegal?

"Deviant" is any act of a person that is different from the accepted norms of a society. What is deviant, depends on the customs of a given society: think for instance of homosexuality, accepted in one society and forced underground in another society. The same goes for the question of what is legal and what is not: laws are different in each country and in the US, in each State . You do not mention what country you are talking about and your teacher probably gave you a list that you did not include. So you will have to figure this out for yourself.

Who in society determines what behavior is and is not deviant?

no one. society generally decides if someone comes across as polite or not. the person can be many things.

What is deviant in one place or in one time period May not be deviant in other places or in other time periods. True or false?

True. What is considered deviant behavior is often dependent on cultural norms, values, and beliefs, which can vary between different places and time periods. Behavior that is acceptable in one society may be considered deviant in another.

What is Hirschi's control theory?

The Social Bond Theory: that people will not commit deviant acts if they form bonds in society