i am trying to check on a recent flight from hong kong.
According to The Southland Times, Maudie Wilson's family "believes she could be New Zealand's oldest resident."*There have been A HECK OF A LOT of deaths this year from the oldest people in New Zealand.*Esther Moreland (25 February 1902 - 11 February 2011)*Doris Mackintosh (18 January 1902 - 15 February 2011)*Dudley Sainsbury (male) (15 June 1903 - 18 February 2011)*Lena Ray (19 January 1902 - 14 March 2011)*Win Turner (12 January 1904 - 18 March 2011)*Agnes Harkins (27 June 1903 in Scotland - 29 March 2011)*Muriel Daisy Smith (10 April 1903 - 27 June 2011)*Stephen Todd (male) (3 June 1905 in England - 4 July 2011)With all of that said, I have compiled the oldest known residents (to my knowledge).1. Maudie Wilson (23 March 1903)2. Dorothy Topp (21 July 1903 in England)**3. Peg Wilson (25 May 1904)**No update in over 2 years.
As of my last update, there have been no reports of any deaths from the recent eruption of Mt. Ruapehu.
In a recent survey, approximately 31% of Europeans expressed the opinion that everyone should speak English.
Based on the most recent data, the Florida county with the highest crime rate is Miami-Dade County. It has a higher crime rate compared to other counties in Florida due to its larger population and urban settings.
The 4 eras are Cenozoic era, the mesozoic era, the paleozoic era, and the precambrian era.
The correct order of major developmental theorists from oldest to most recent is Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Urie Bronfenbrenner.
ok im going to start off by saying this, the last answerer is stupid, and doesnt know what he is talking about. it goes from: PERIOD ERA EPOCH there you go ;)
The oldest era in geologic time is the Precambrian, followed by the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras, which is the most recent era that includes the present day.
The layers of rock in order from oldest to newest are: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. Each of these eras represents a different time period in Earth's history, with the Paleozoic being the oldest and the Cenozoic being the most recent.
Putang Ina mo !
I'm happy to help with that. However, I don't see a list of events to choose from. Could you provide me with the events you'd like me to order from oldest to most recent?
Paleontologists search for fossils to help them to determine what types of organisms lived in the same locations and at the same time. They use major changes in the fossil record to divide geologic time into large chunks.The geologic time scale is divided into: eons (biggest), eras, periods, epochs (smallest).Earth's history is divided into four major periods, from oldest to most recent: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic
There are no single-word comparative and superlative for recent. They would be "More recent" and "Most recent"
Ryan Giggs is the oldest player due to the recent departure of Edwin Van Der Sar.
The basic rule of geologic age is the law of superposition. This states that the most geologic recent layers are those at the top, the oldest at the bottom. Additionally, index fossils, those of rapidly evolving organisms, can be correlated to a specific range of geologic time. The rate of radioactive decay in certain elements is also used to determine an accurate age of material. Additionally, some degree of dating or rocks is made by the magnetic orientation of certain magnetic minerals they contain, which correlates with the magnetic orientation of the Earth at the time of their creation.