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Darwin proposed that the diversity of species is mainly a result of natural selection, where individuals with advantageous traits have a higher chance of survival and reproduction, passing on those traits to future generations. Over time, this process leads to the accumulation of diverse adaptations suited to different environments, resulting in the vast array of species we observe today.

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Q: Darwin account for the diversity of species?
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Why was Darwin revolutionary?

Charles Darwin was revolutionary because he proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection, which challenged prevailing beliefs about the origin and diversity of species. His work provided a comprehensive explanation for the diversity of life on Earth and fundamentally changed the way we understand the natural world.

Who was Charles Darwin and what is he known for?

Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who is known for developing the theory of evolution by natural selection. His book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859 outlined his groundbreaking ideas and revolutionized the way we understand the diversity of life on Earth.

What was the mystery of mysteries and how did Darwin address it?

The mystery of mysteries in Darwin's time was the origin of species diversity. He addressed it by proposing the theory of evolution through natural selection, which suggested that species evolve over time through the process of natural selection acting on variation within populations. This theory explained how the immense diversity of life on Earth could arise from common ancestors through gradual changes over time.

What did Darwin observe during his trip?

During his trip on the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin observed variations in species among different environments, which led him to formulate his theory of evolution through natural selection. He also observed the diversity of flora and fauna in different regions, the impact of geographical isolation on species, and the adaptations of organisms to their environments.

What were Darwin's important observation about the organisms from his trip on the beagle?

Darwin observed variations in species across different environments, which led him to propose his theory of natural selection. He also noted similarities between species on different continents, which influenced his ideas on evolution and common ancestry. Additionally, he observed the effects of geographical isolation on species diversification.

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What factors account for the diversity of species?

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Divergent Evolution, Convergent Evolution, and Coevolution

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What is evolution and who is famously associated to it?

The graduel adaptation of species to their environment diversity. Charles Darwin who wrote "the origin of Species" in 1859

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peanut brittle

How does the process of natural selection account for the diversity of the organisms that Darwin observed on the Galapagos islands?

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What did Darwin's theory of biological evolution explain?

It explains the species problem; how the rich unity and diversity of life evolved on the earth.

What man was given credit for explaining why so many different species exist?

The diversity of animals is explained by the theory of evolution, the brainchild of Charles Darwin.

How is genetic diversity different from species diversity?

The main difference between genetic diversity and species diversity is that genetic diversity is the differences of DNA among individuals of a particular species whereas species diversity is the variety of species in a particular region. Ecological diversity is the variety of ecosystems in a particular area.Oct 30, 2017

Species diversity is the number of what?

species diversity is the number of species that live in one area (or ecosystem)

How is genetic diversity to beneficial to a species?

Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.