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Q: Does Russell Conwell's Acres of Diamonds support social Darwinism?
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social darwinism

When those who support a theory that any attempt to regulate business is the same as blocking the natural evolution of the species support the philosophy?

Social Darwinism

How does Carnegie use the doctrine of social Darwinism to support his argument?

because it made him a successful person and he was inspired by it because of that

What trade helped support the RUF?

the illegal trade of conflict diamonds

What countries support blood diamonds?

Blood diamonds mainly come from Africa, but are also traded in Liberia, Angola, and Sierra Leone. I will add a link to the full article about blood diamonds.

What football team does Russell brand support?

West Ham United.

Those who aupported a theory that any attempt to regulate business is the name as blocking the natural evolution of the species support the philosophy of?

social darwinism