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Well if men are expected to live up to this patriarchal figure as well as be the provider for their families, then the pedestal we place men on is simply too high, making it difficult for any man to meet any woman's expectations of him. This results in a society where all men are expected to be great but simply aren't and then they just get low self esteem. Meanwhile, all women have to do is cook dinner, clean the house, and put the kids to bed and then they have no reason to feel like they are worthless. It really isn't fair at all.

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11y ago

In society that is dorminated by male be it economically right up to the social responsibility and obligations.The society will promote gender inequality as according to the symbolic interactionism perspective it is society that gives meaning to ways and identities.Thus if within the partriarchal society a child is taught that being a male is superior it is likely that it is going to develop within that child thus cultivating inequality.The female counter parts will be treated as inferior than male counterparts hence it is patriarchy that contributes to gender inequality.

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its about religion education politics

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