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30 million & counting.

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Q: How many mountains are there in the world altogether?
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How many bees altogether in the whole world?

Certainly countless billions.

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There are about 372 species of parrot in the world, they belong to the Order Psittaciformes.

How many mountains are there in the whole world?

there are exactly 1.6 billion mountains in the whole wide world

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MIllion around the world ( 14,968,365 people)

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35 million people

How many world cup tournaments have there been altogether to date?

The 2010 FIFA World Cup is the 19th World Cup.

How many tigers are in captivity in the whole world in 2010?

There are 1144 altogether. 70% of these are in captivity.

How many people were injured altogether in World War 1?

35 million people

Are mount everest or mount washington the most climbed mountains in the world?

These mountains are not the most climbed in the world. There are many mountains, big and small that are climbed a lot more times.

About how many house cats are there in the world?

i would say about 6 billion altogether...with feral cats of course.