

Best Answer

There have been very few reported cases of death directly caused by gum. Ingesting a large amount of gum could potentially cause a blockage in the digestive system, but this is extremely rare. Overall, Chewing Gum is considered safe for the vast majority of people when used as intended.

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Q: How many people have died from gum?
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How many people died in the US in 2010?

In 2010, approximately 2.5 million people died in the United States.

How many people died in 1968?

An estimated 56 million people died worldwide in 1968.

How many people were in the amry that died?

i think about 100000,0000 people

How many people have died in the floods in the Philippines?

200 people

How many people died from the blackout?


Related questions

What famous people have died from gum disease?

lil wayne

How does gum help people play sports?

It is proven by many scientists that when people get stressed or angry at something gum can definitely help with nerves.

Do people chew chewing gum?

People chew chewing gum so that they don't have to chew on pen tops or bit there finger nails. etc. Some chewing gum makes your breathe smell better which is why most people chew it. they also chew it to prevent plaque and gum disease.

How many people die choking on gum every year?

12 people

When did Gum Yuen die?

Gum Yuen died in 1943.

How many people chew gum during school?

a lot!

How many people chewed bubble gum?

ova a 1000000

Is gum a great mood changer?

For many people, gum chewing is relaxing and removes tension. This is similar to eating or smoking for others.

Who litters gum wrappers?

Many people a.k.a gum chewers. People who litter in general please stop [annalyse] thank you and it will really help the planet! GO GREEN

Is chewing gum allowed in many schools?

yes. chewing gum helps most people concentrate on only 1 thing at a time.

In Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist how many people chewed the gum?


How many people have the name Sema?

trick question, the goat was chewing gum