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2009 statistics show over 131,199 people in Mexico were diagnosed with Down syndrome, or 3.73 cases per 10,000 births.

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Q: How many people have down syndrome in Mexico?
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How many people in the world have Down syndrome?

World-wide, over 5.8 million people have Down syndrome. (This condition affects people of all ages, races, religions and economic situations.)Approximately 1 in every 1,000 babies has Down syndrome.In the UKIt is estimated that there are about 60,000 people with Down syndrome living in the UK. About 600 babies with Down syndrome are born in the UK each year.

How many people worldwide have Edwards' syndrome?

The exact number is not known, but Edwards' syndrome (Trisomy 18) is estimated to occur in about 1 in 5,000 live births. It is less common than Down syndrome.

How long do down syndrome people live?

On average, individuals with Down syndrome have a life expectancy of around 60 years old. However, this can vary depending on various factors such as overall health, access to healthcare, and quality of life. With advances in medical care and support services, many individuals with Down syndrome are living longer, healthier lives.

How many people in the us have metabolic syndrome?

It has been estimated that just over 40% of the US population over the age of 50 have metabolic syndrome. This number is growing!

How many cases have been recorded of a mother with Down syndrome giving birth to a normal baby?

There have been a few documented cases of mothers with Down syndrome giving birth to babies without the condition, but it is incredibly rare. Due to various health and fertility challenges faced by individuals with Down syndrome, the occurrence of such cases is extremely low.

Related questions

Can a girl with down syndrome have a boyfriend?

Yes, a girl with Down syndrome can have a boyfriend, and many do. People with Down syndrome have the same relationship needs as people without Down syndrome.

How many people in Connecticut have Down Syndrome?

Sierra Kyla and Justin have down syndrome

Can adults with Down's syndrome find work?

Yes many people with Down's Syndrome work.

How many people in Louisiana have Down syndrome?

Nationally, there are currently approximately 400,000 people with Down syndrome. Unfortunately, though, there is no breakdown on numbers for each state of those with Down syndrome.

How many people in Australia have Down syndrome?


Why can't you have a driver's license if you have down syndrome?

People with Down Syndrome CAN have a driver's license. Many people who live with Down Syndrome have a driver's license, and are perfectly fine drivers. Down Syndrome is not a disease, and people do not "suffer" from Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome does not prevent anybody from safely driving, going to college, owning a house, being married, having children, operating a business, or anything else.

How many people with Down syndrome were killed during the holocost?


How many Down's syndrome people in the us?

Approx 1 in 800 or 0.12% or 340,000 people in USA Down syndrome occurs in 1 in 800 births. Hopefully that helps

Is it common for a person with Down syndrome to marry someone who doesn't have Down syndrome?

People with Down syndrome are no different from the rest of us, except they look slightly different and are not able to do as many things as "normal" people. Therefore, unless they have a severe case of Down syndrome, they should have normal marriage ceremonies.

How many people in north America have down syndrome?

There are approximately7,222,222 people with down syndrome in the world ( if you compare the stat 1 in every 800-1000 births to the world's population of 6.5 billion).

How many people die from Down syndrome per year?

Down's syndrome usually isn't deadly as such. However, it brings with it a couple of medical problems, like high blood presure and such, which tends to shorten the life span of afflicted persons.

How many people in the world have Down syndrome?

World-wide, over 5.8 million people have Down syndrome. (This condition affects people of all ages, races, religions and economic situations.)Approximately 1 in every 1,000 babies has Down syndrome.In the UKIt is estimated that there are about 60,000 people with Down syndrome living in the UK. About 600 babies with Down syndrome are born in the UK each year.