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people actually start drinking alchohol for the first time every day so there is really never an exact #

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Q: How many people in the world drink alchohol?
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Why do people which work physycally usually drink many alchohol Or it is not so?

Noone answered. Bad site.

How many people die from alchohol?


How many people drink regular coke?

There is no answer to answer that there are to many people in the world to count who actualy drinks it.

How many people in the World do drink soda pop?

Throughout the world, most people drink alcoholic beverages.

How many alcohol related deaths are there in Britain per year?

about 10,000,000,000,000 people die every year from alchohol in britain. that's about 100,000 people per day. It's the highest rate in the world.

How many people drink beer in the whole world?

the best aweser woud be 100,747

Do all Irish people drink?

No. Many Irish people drink, but many Irish people do not drink. It is just a stereotype.

How many people died from alchohol poisoning last year?

I suppose that an exact and credible statistics doesn't exist.

Why do people drink ground water?

people use to drink river water because in poor country many of them drink .If they don't they will die.But in American many people use to drink fresh water.

How many people drink coffee in New Mexico?

there's thousands of people drink coffee

How many deaths caused by alchohol?

100,200 each year

What country or cultures eat soup?

I must answer this question as no-one. no-one eats soup. we simply drink it and many people around the world - especially France - drink soup.