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That depends on the country. However, a majority of people drink in most Western and European nations.

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Potentially millions, and still be only a fraction of the Muslim population alive today. (Most Muslims do not drink) There are other abstainers, of course.

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Q: How many people never drunk alcohol in the world?
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Why do people drink too much alcohol?

Sometimes it heredity and sometimes its just the sheer idea of being drunk and not caring about the world.

What is the drunkest drink in the world?

Pure ethyl alcohol. Only a drunk would drink it.

What percent of the world is drunk at a given time?

Less than 1 percent worldwide. Remember that 25% of the people in the world are Muslims who generally do not drink, and a couple billion others simply can't afford to. If you ask that about people who can afford to get drunk and have access to alcohol, it would probably go up to 2 or 3 percent.

Why do people like getting drunk or high?

Because it stimulates a sense of exhilaration or happiness, the world is less scary when drunk/high

How many people in the world get high or drunk every year?

No one knows the answer

Who is killed by drunk driving?

Thousands of innocent people around the world are killed by drunk drivers every year. Unfortunately, the drunk drivers themselves, usually aren't killed in their own accidents.

How many people are drunk now?

It is believed that 1% of the world's population is drunk at any one time. Which is about 5.6 million

How many people die each year in the world from alcohol?

People do not die from drinking alcohol, only from drinking it abusively or excessively.

What is the most consumed brand of alcohol?

The numbers game would say that a Chines brand would be ranked one(1) in the world in alcohol consummation and the most drunk beer drunk there is tsingtao ...

How much do you drink to get drunk on a 8 percent alcohol?

Different people have different levels of tolerance. why in the world do you want to get drunk? It will hurt you!Most states consider you de jure intoxicated when your blood alcohol content reaches 0.08%. The human body contains about 5 liters of blood, so 50 milliliters... about one and two-thirds fluid ounces... of 8% alcohol by volume would contain sufficient alcohol to theoretically reach that limit.In practice, it's quite a bit more complicated than that, since not all the alcohol goes directly into the blood and it starts getting broken down by the liver as soon as it gets there. (This is part of the reason people have different tolerance levels.)

Were in the world did 26000 people die by alcohol?

No one knows

List the similarities and differences in the roles of women before and after world war 2?

girls pooped less after world war and tended to eat more grain prodcuts which are high in alcohol which gets you drunk