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Q: How many people visit the remains of Ancient Rome in a year?
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How many visit rome for its climate?

I don't think too many people visit Rome for its climate. It can get downright hot in the summer. Most people visit Rome for its almost 3,000 years of history along with its restaurants and museums. A trip to the Vatican is also a must for many tourists. If one is the lest bit interested in history, from the ancient Etruscans, the ancient Romans, Medieval structures and artists, or present day attractions, Rome it the place to visit.

How did people discover Ancient Rome?

People did not discover Ancient Rome, people BUILT Ancient Rome and it has been in continuous occupation since then 2,800years ago.

How many people spoke Latin in ancient Rome?

Most people in ancient Rome spoke Latin, but some cities that ancient Rome took over spoke their native language. A lot of people in ancient Rome spoke Greece.

Who studies ancient Rome?

Ancient Rome is studied by historians and archaeologists who specialise in ancient Rome and people who study the classics.

Who punishes people in ancient Rome?

In ancient Rome people were punished by judges who presided over trials.

What was used to buy things in ancient rome?

People in ancient rome used tokens.

Why I visit colosseum Rome?

Because the ruins are ancient and you need to see to appreciate it

Ow did a rich person live in ancient Rome?

Yes, There were penty of rich people in ancient rome.

Who were the people in Ancient Rome?

Ancient Romans (Plebeians, Equestrians and Patricians)

Did the people in ancient Rome have pets?


How did people back then get to ancient Rome?


Did people farm in ancient rome?

yes they did