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He didn't understand genetics. Gregor Mendel had just discovered some of the laws of inheritance; Darwin thought that when organisms bred the offspring would be a blend of the two parents - so if a tall father and short mother had offspring they would be of average height. Mendel's experiments with bean plants showed that what would actually happen is the offspring would be tall or short. What's slightly frustrating is that Darwin had Mendel's paper in his possession, but as it was in German from an obscure monk, he'd never read it.

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Q: What is one thing Darwin didn't understand about evolution?
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How did Darwin in the 1800s explain the origin of species?

Species originate through adaptation by natural selection. Strange thing really, Darwin didn't even believe in evolution.

Is Charles Darwin's theory of evolution true?

Yes, and no. Yes, back then it was the most accurate possible assessment of the data available at the time. But evolutionary theory today is much different from the model that Darwin first proposed. For one thing, evolutionary theory now includes modern knowledge of genetics. For another, we no longer believe, like Darwin did, that evolution is uniformly gradual.

Why is the theory of evolution so hard for so many people to understand?

As one Nobel prize said, "The problem with evolution is that everyone thinks they understand it." Probably the main reason that evolution is difficult to understand is that it requires the acceptance of "deep time" - extremely long periods of time. Another thing that is difficult to grasp is that evolution isn't about "survival of species"; most evolutionary biologists consider the survival of genes and the driving force of evolution.

Did Charles Darwin admit that evolution didn't occur?

No. There was a rumor circulating that Darwin recanted evolution on his death bed, but that rumor has no foundation or plausible evidence. And even if Darwin ever had said such a thing, it would be meaningless. Galileo recanted is heliocentric theory, under pressure from a religious group. That in no way alters the fact the earth orbits the sun, and not the other way around.

Why did Darwin note to himself never use the word higher or lower when referring to the evolution of plants and animals?

There was no such thing as a gradation from simple to complex organism; as Darwin stressed, from then on, we could "Never use the words higher or lower" when referring to organisms; instead we speak of ancestral or derived characters.

How did Charles Darwin spread the idea of evolution?

He didn't. Charles Darwin did not like the rough and tumble of public debate about his idea, though scientific debate was another thing altogether. The debate had spilled over into the public arena and needed on the spot debaters, which Charles Darwin was not. So, Darwin's friends that he first convinced of the rightness of his theory went to bat for him. Thomas Huxley, Darwin's bulldog, was foremost among them, but there were also others. Hooker, Lyell, and Wallace were the other main defenders of the theory in Darwin's stead.

What was Darwin's conclusion about evolution?

that organisms change over time to adapt to where they are. Also that everything came from one thing and it evolved.OF COURSE this man was wrong BECAUSE what he said is false. We all were created by GOD

Why is Darwin more famous than Wallace in the explanation of evolution?

The reason the focus, or major credit goes to Darwin is, though they both realized the principles of evolution, Wallace's presentation was little more than the realization. Darwin had had the realization and spent almost twenty years documenting and exploring the relations and complexities of said theory. Wallace himself had no difficulty with Darwin receiving the majority of the credit. Wallace had sent Darwin his paper on the topic, which kind of shocked Darwin that some one else might scoop his idea, he decided to present his idea to the Royal Society, and when he did so, he presented at the same time Wallace's paper, a very gracious thing to do on Darwins part. Wallace was at the time totally unaware of what was happening and only learned after the fact that he was presented to the Royal Society as co-discoverer of, The Theory Of Evolution By Natural Selection.

What was the second thing Charles Darwin study?

The second thing Charles Darwin studied was Volcanic islands in 1844. I did a project on him and it has been checked so you can rely on this information.

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This happend to me, i became depressed, i didnt understand why she would do such a thing. But i had to move on, obviously she doesn't care about your feelings, and you can't blame the guy because he probly didnt know you liked him.

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They can't prove anything about Charles Darwin's evolution. Here's the thing they cant prove, along with everything else, humans being able to reason. Apes can't do that, they do everything by instinct.

How might evolution be related to circadian rhythms?

hate to break it to ya.... but......There is no such thing as evolution