

What is the faith perspective?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is the faith perspective?
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We are saved by faith (spiritual) and not of ourselves (rationality) lest any man should boast. Knowledge that is based solely on faith may possibly be supported by rationally derived knowledge, but it cannot be undone by refutations that come from rationally derived knowledge. I am talking about the most sublime faith, the faith that is one's salvation. We can't demand it, and we can't even seek it. Yes, there is the sinner's prayer, but faith is entirely God's act and not any of ours, "lest any man should boast". Whether or not God ALWAYS grants this faith to those who ask is for anothers to speculate upon. The basic truth from a faith perspective is that once in possession of this faith, the faith is seen and experienced as different from any natural faith that comes about by rational processes.People of faith see dedication to science and rationality as futile, but some of them don't 'get' that people who do not have faith cannot possibly see the world through the perspective of people who do. And arguing science or religion with such unfaithful will accomplish nothing; coming to faith simplythrough someone's rational argument is not possible; it comes from the Spirit, in whatever way the Spirit chooses to act.People dedicated to gaining knowledge through rational processes see 'faith based knowledge' as a pipedream at best, and some of them don't 'get' that trying to convince people of faith otherwise is a waste of time. No amount of facts and figures, however convincing, should be able to undo what is spiritually discerned.It all hinges on faith.

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