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Q: What is the sociological term for detatchment?
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A sociological term for fitting in is?

"Conformity" is the sociological term used to describe the act of fitting in with the norms and expectations of a group or society. It involves adjusting one's behavior, beliefs, and attitudes to align with the prevailing cultural standards.

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Irving Janis coined the term "groupthink" to describe the phenomenon where a group of people make irrational or problematic decisions because of pressures within the group to conform or maintain harmony.

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What is the sociological term for the state of being excluded from social activity?

The sociological term for the state of being excluded from social activity is social isolation. It refers to the lack of interaction and engagement with others in society, leading to feelings of loneliness and disconnectedness.

What is the ability to walk in someone's shoes called?

sociological term: versten.

What term best describes the sociological view of the world?

The term that best describes the sociological view of the world is "perspective." Sociologists study society's structures, institutions, and interactions through various perspectives such as functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. These perspectives help sociologists understand how society works and how different factors influence social behavior.

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What is the sociological term for information that is circulated in order to justify the power of the state?

The sociological term for information circulated to justify the power of the state is "propaganda." Propaganda is used to influence people's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in support of a particular political agenda or authority.

What is all-weather liberal?

all-weather liberal is not a meteorology term it is a sociological term meaning someone who does not discriminate

What is the sociological term for a middle class parent who can afford things a working class parent can't?

This situation can be referred to as "economic privilege" or "class advantage". It highlights the disparities in resources and opportunities that exist between individuals of different socio-economic backgrounds.

What is the Term that stresses the social contexts in which people live and how those contexts influence their lives?

the sociological perspective