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Not very many! Less than 10 percent; Sometimes guys who are swimmers do, but most guys are proud of the hair on their legs. It's as much a part of being a man as having a penis!

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Q: What percent of men who shave legs?
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What percentage of men shave his legs?

It is not known exactly how many men shave their legs. According to GQ magazine, however, about 40% of men shave their legs on a weekly basis.

Do men shave their legs?

Most men do not shave their legs, there are exceptions though, those who compete in cycle races are just one example. Generally we only shave our facial whisker's.

What percent of men shave with a blade?

100 percent of men who shave, do so with a blade whether it be manually or electronically manipulated.

Is it normal for a man or girl to shave his legs with razor or vagaina for women?

It is quite common for a female to shave her legs or vaginal area. Some men may also shave their legs but it is not common.

Why don't men shave their legs?

because socially they don't need to.

Why do men have hairy legs?

Because they don't shave them, like women do.

Is it good to shave your legs?

for men racing, then yes. If you are a woman, then yes

Who has the hairiest legs alive?

Michael Cao and a million and more men have hairy legs, I hate men who shave their legs, the exception being professional or club cyclists or swimmers and perhaps other sportsmen too, apart from them I think men who shave their legs are just pure SISSY

How do you stopin itchin when i shave my legs?

Don't shave your legs!

Do women in Europe shave their legs?

Not all women in Europe shave their legs. It is a myth that European women do not shave their legs.

Do you have to shave your legs to wear hose?

no, you do not have to shave your legs to wear hose.

Do some men in UFC shave their legs?

Yes, it helps greatly in escaping leg locks.