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Q: What percentage of people can run 6 minute mile?
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What percentage can run a sub 6 minute mile worldwide?

it is 60% of the 6 minute worldwide don't u get it

Who was the nZer to run the first sub minute mile?

Nobody has run a sub-minute mile. Nobody is anywhere near that!

How many people can run under a 12 minute 2 mile?

not very many

First four minute mile?

The first 4 minute mile was run by Roger Banister.

How many miles in one minute did the winner run?

No one can run a mile in a minute....

How fast does a person run a quarter of a mile?

It depends on how fast the kid naturally runs. If they run really fast, it might be a 60 second half mile. If they run slow, it might be a 2-3 minute mile

You ran a 17 minute mile today in PE and other people were ahead of you but you tried your best are you a good runner?

17 minutes for a mile depends on your weight and ability to run. I am in track and field and i ran a 7 minute mile and some people can run 6 minute miles. i know other people where it takes them 10-12 minutes. But, like i said... its ability.

5 minute mile?

You can run a 5-minute mile if you maintain a pace of 12 miles per hour.

How far can you run in a minut?

I can run 1/4 of a mile in a minute. How about you?

How fast in kilometers would you have to run to do a 4 minute mile?

24.14 km per hour for a 4-minute mile.

How fast do you have to run for a 13.5 minute mile?

You must run at a speed of exactly [ 1 mile per 13.5 minutes ].To convert that to a more familiar unit:1/13.5 (mile/minute) x (60 minute/hour) = 4 4/9 mile/hour

What is the treadmill speed to run a 13 minute mile?

To run a 13-minute mile you will need to average 4.62 miles per hour for the whole 13 minutes.