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a loss of shelter

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An increase in prey population, availability of suitable habitat, and decreased competition from other predators can all contribute to an increase in predator population. Additionally, favorable environmental conditions, such as abundant food sources and decreased human intervention, can also lead to a rise in predator numbers.

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Q: What would cause an increase in predator population?
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How does a change in the prey population effect the predator population?

A change in the prey population effects the predator population because if there are alot of preys, then the predators would eat the preys and the population of predators would increase. But on the other hand, if there are not enough preys, the predators would starve and die which would decrease the population of predators.

Why did the southern states want to count enslaved people as part of their population?

The southern states wanted to count enslaved people as part of their population for political reasons, as it would increase their representation in Congress and help secure more power and influence in national decision-making. This practice also had economic implications as it could potentially increase their share of federal resources and funding.

What event increased the continents population by 200 percent?

The event that increased the continents population by 200% was the Industrial Revolution. It led to advancements in technology, increased agricultural productivity, better healthcare, and improved living conditions, resulting in a rapid population growth in many parts of the world.

What will the world population be in 2069?

There are about 7-8 births and about 2-3 deaths every second around the world. This leaves us with a addition of 5 individuals every second. In one minute, the world population increases by 5*60 = 300 people. In one hour, 300*60 = 18000. In one day, 24*18000 = 432,000. (About 0.432 million every day) So in a year, the world population would have increased by 157.68 Million. Today as I m typing this math, the world population is about 6.67 Billion. If in a year, the world population would have increased by 157.68 Million, by 2018 the world population would have grown by 1.57 Billion. Which is roughly about 25% increase from todays levels. This is significant. I m in my late 20's and so by 60 years of my age, I would have seen the world population double. This is very fearful to me. Answering the question of World Population by 2100: Todays Population = 6.67 Billion Population increase in 92 years = 9.2 * 1.578 Billion = 14.5176 Billion Total Population in 2100 = 21.1876 Billion

Where would you expect to find in a country with zero population growth?

In a country with zero population growth, you would expect to find a stable population size where the number of births equals the number of deaths. This would mean the population is not increasing or decreasing over time.

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What happens when the cycling of matter in ecosystems is disrupted?

The predator eats the prey in the food chain. As the population is stable, the food chain won't wreck. There's an interdependence between the prey and the predator in the food chain. The prey should be there to feed some food to their predator, and the predator also needs to be there to control their prey population from exploding. Changes in animal population can wreck the food chain. If the prey population decreases, the predator population would also decrease as there'll be less food for them to eat. If the predator population decreases, the prey population would increase because less predators means less preys gets hunted down, so there'll be more preys. If the prey population increases, then the predator population would also increase because there'll be more food for them to eat and there should be more predators to take more control patrol of their prey population. If the predator population increases, then the prey population would decrease because more predators means more preys gets hunted down, so there'll be less preys. Animal Population Change Formula: Prey Decrease→Predator Decrease Predator Decrease→Prey Increase Prey Increase→Predator Increase Predator Increase→Prey Decrease

If natality equal to mortality what would cause the population to increase?

Immigration could cause the population to increase.

How would this impact two populations?

Gene flow would increase between the two halves, and speciation would not occur

How does a change in the prey population effect the predator population?

A change in the prey population effects the predator population because if there are alot of preys, then the predators would eat the preys and the population of predators would increase. But on the other hand, if there are not enough preys, the predators would starve and die which would decrease the population of predators.

What happens to the prey population if the predator population increases?

it stays the same or increases with the preythe prey will run out of food making it's population decrease. that will cause the predator's population to go down because of the lack of food

If the population of wolves increased would the number of caribou increase?

If the number of wolves increased, then the population of caribou would decrease. Wolves are a predator of the caribou, so the population of the caribou would drop if more wolves were around.

What would most likely happen if the number of hawks increases?

The mouse population will increase. (apex)

Why are predator-prey relationships important in an ecosystem?

Yes. The predator, of course, needs food, but the prey benefits too because if the predator did not eat the prey, the prey population would grow and grow until food ran and and the prey population would die of starvation.

What would happen to a population of predator if there was a sudden increase in food for the prey?

It would Increase or stay the same becuz More Food for Prey = More prey Nd More Prey = More food For Predator Get it I Tryd to Make This Easy For You To Understand and IM SUrprised I Pay attenstion in Biology :D

What are the reasons why populations of organisms increase or decrease?

there are many reasons a population or organisms would increase or decrease. some reasons are diseases, predator increase/decrease, good/bad weather, and enough/not enough resource's. :) yep

How will the size of a predator population affect the numbers of prey?

This will depend on the specific ecosystem and the specific predator and prey relationship being examined within that ecosystem. If, as an oversimplified example, a drought caused a reduction in edible plant foods for a prey animal, the population of said prey animal may decrease. If the prey population decreased, there would not be enough food to support the current predator population, and a number of the predators would die until a balance was reached.The overall idea is fairly simple, however. If weather conditions are favorable to the increase of the population of a prey species, then the prey species's population will increase, all other things being equal. When the population of a prey species increases, then more of the offspring of the predator species can survive, allowing the population of the predator to increase. If weather somehow decreases the population of a prey animal, then this will also reduce the population of the predator species, all other things being equal.It is important to remember, however, that ecosystems are very complicated and it is rare that a predator will only have one prey item and a prey item will have only one predator. As a result, if a changed condition caused one prey species to decrease but another one to increase, the predator population may not be affected, and so on.

How would the population of the woodlouse be affected if the entire centipede population is taken out of the leaf litter?

As the centipede is woodlice's predator, taking away the centipedes will remove any opposition to the growth of woodlice population, causing the woodlice population to increase rapidly.