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Q: Which ethnic group does the text refer to as the invisible minority?
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Who is a minority student?

The term minority student would normally be used to refer to a student who belongs to what is known as a visible minority, which is to say, the student in question has some visible racial characteristic such as skin color or type of facial features by which it can be seen that he or she belongs to a racial minority. There are all sorts of minorities, but not all of them are visible. Atheists are outnumbered by theists, but you have no way to tell that someone is an atheist just by looking at them, you have to actually talk to them to find that out. Gay students may or may not be considered to be minority students; social attitudes vary, in different locations, about whether this should be considered a minority group.

Are Hispanics in the us a subculture?

Hispanics in the US are not considered a subculture but rather an ethnic group with diverse backgrounds, languages, and traditions. Subcultures typically refer to smaller groups within the larger society that share certain values or behaviors that differentiate them from the mainstream culture, while Hispanics represent a significant and heterogeneous population in the US.

In sociology which term is used to refer to people who have shared experiences and interests and possibly loyalties?

Answer this question…ShareIn sociology which term is used to refer to people who have shared experiences and interests and possibly loyalties?A. Society B. Social group C. Gathering D. Community

How does Mead used the concept generalized other to refer to?

the group containing all of a person's "significant others."

What does the word segregation mean?

Segregation refers to the enforced separation of different racial, ethnic, or religious groups within a community or society. This separation can manifest in various forms, such as in schools, housing, or public facilities, and typically results in unequal treatment and limited opportunities for the marginalized group.

Related questions

What is the difference between a minority and ethnic group?

minorities refer to any ethic group in a country or area that is not the largest ethnic group. For instance, in the United States Caucasians (whites) are the majority ethnic group; while Blacks, Asians, Native Americans and so on are minorities, or minority ethnic groups. However a minority is not limited to being an ethnic group, for example left handed people are a minority in the world. However, usually when minorities are referenced in politics they do mean ethnic groups.

Which term do conflict theorists use to refer to unfairly blaming a minority group for a problem?


What is the different religion of the Arab ethnic group?

The main religion of the Arab ethnic group is Islam. Members of this group are referred to by outsiders as Muslims, Mohammedans or Islamists. Many Muslims refer to their co-religionists as "the faithful".

What is hmong pepole?

Hmong and Mong refer to an Asian ethnic group in the mountainous regions of southeast Asia.

The term ethnic group is often used in the US to refer to a?

people with a separate identity within the nation or society

Which term is used to refer to a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than the members of a dominant group have over theirs?

The minority group

Who is the minority shiite?

refer to question below

Group of people with something in common?

Several words may apply - a club, fanatics, enthusiasts, devotees, activists, addicts

What were the 6 ethnic groups of China?

China has not only 6 ethnic groups, but as much as 56 ethnic groups, the largest one is the Han nationality, while the other 55 ethnic groups are Zhuang,Hui, Maio,Manchu, Uyghur,Yao,Dong, Bai,Dai,Yi,etc.Ethnic minorities in China refer to the non-HanChinese population in mainland China and Taiwan. The People's Republic of China (PRC) officially recognizes 55 ethnic minority groups within China in addition to the Han majority.

What is invisible displacements?

Invisible displacements refer to movements or shifts that are not immediately noticeable or visible to the eye. This can occur in various contexts, such as changes in power dynamics, subtle alterations in a system, or hidden movements within a group or organization. These displacements may not be readily apparent but can have significant implications over time.

What can the word Bugis refer to?

The word Bugis refers to an ethnic group of people located in South Sulawesi, in Indonesia their population consist of Indonesians, Malaysians and Singaporeans. They speak Basa Ugi and Buginese.

where can I use an invisible dog fence?

An invisible dog fence can be used to protect your pet at home. Invisible fence is the most recommended brand by vets. Refer to the website for more information.