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The feminist perspective within sociology would likely examine patterns of male dominance in cross-sex conversations as a reflection of broader power dynamics and inequalities between men and women in society. They would view this as part of the ongoing societal struggle for gender equality and challenge the norms and structures that perpetuate male dominance in communication.

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Q: Which sociological perspective would look at patterns of male dominance in cross-sex conversations as a battleground in the struggle for sexual equality?
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Which sociological perspective suggests that denial of the right to marry reinforces the second-class status of gays and lesbians?

The conflict perspective suggests that denying the right to marry reinforces the second-class status of gays and lesbians. This perspective focuses on power dynamics and inequalities in society, arguing that denying marriage rights is a way to maintain dominance and control over minority groups.

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits?

The conflict perspective would be most likely to suggest that multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits. This perspective views society as being marked by inequality and believes that powerful groups will take advantage of less powerful ones to maintain dominance and control resources.

What sociological perspective would maintain that the laws of a society are created by the groups in power and help those groups maintain their superior status?


Which sociological perspective is most closely aligned with a theorist that sees the law as an instrument of repression and a tool designed to maintain the powerful in their privileged positions?

The conflict perspective in sociology is most closely aligned with this view. Conflict theorists argue that the law is used by the powerful to control and suppress the less powerful, perpetuating social inequalities and maintaining the status quo. They see laws as reflecting the interests of the ruling class and serving to reinforce their dominance in society.

what is a belief held by sociologists who work from a social-conflict perspective?

Sociologists who work from a social-conflict perspective believe that society is characterized by inequality and conflict over resources, power, and social structures. They focus on how different social groups compete and struggle for control and dominance in society, highlighting issues of oppression, discrimination, and exploitation.

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Which sociological perspective suggests that denial of the right to marry reinforces the second-class status of gays and lesbians?

The conflict perspective suggests that denying the right to marry reinforces the second-class status of gays and lesbians. This perspective focuses on power dynamics and inequalities in society, arguing that denying marriage rights is a way to maintain dominance and control over minority groups.

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The conflict perspective would be most likely to suggest that multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits. This perspective views society as being marked by inequality and believes that powerful groups will take advantage of less powerful ones to maintain dominance and control resources.

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The conflict perspective in sociology is most closely aligned with this view. Conflict theorists argue that the law is used by the powerful to control and suppress the less powerful, perpetuating social inequalities and maintaining the status quo. They see laws as reflecting the interests of the ruling class and serving to reinforce their dominance in society.

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from my perspective considering i'm 15, is an over abundance in testosterone,this could cause a slight over prioritizing in dominance causing him to act out.

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Incomplete Dominance

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