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This question can not be answered because it is ill-defined If you made the question precise and ask only about US Congressmen, for example, it is still unanswerable because investment information is private both as to the amount and its location. Leaders of both parties have substantial amounts of money invested in Wall Street and every incentive to support measures to improve the return on their investment.

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Q: Who has more money invested in Wall Street democrats or republicans?
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How much money do the different pro-life and pro-choice organizations spend lobbying in congress?

In 2006, Pro-life Political Action Committees donated $411,569 while Pro-Choice Political Action Committees donated $881,172 Of the $411,569 contribution by pro-lifers, $7500 went to democrats while $404,069 went to Republicans. Of the contributions made by pro-choice PACs, $756,672 went to democrats and $108,500 went to Republicans.

How is poverty a result to children on street?

Parents are unable to afford healthcare, and end up very ill, or even dead, and are unable to look after the children. The children, having no where else to go also end up on the street. Parents may be umable to afford to keep the children, and the children are forced to leave home at a young age and to go and try to fend for themselfs on street. In some cases children are sold to organistations which send children out onto the street begging and any money the children make will go back to the organisation.

Why did people occupy Wall Street?

The movement to protest financial and social inequality worldwide was dubbed "Occupy Wall Street (OWS)". The movement began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, in New York City's Wall Street financial district. People protested social and economic inequality, greed, corruption, as well as undue influences from the government on corporations, and undue influence from corporations on the government both of which keep ordinary folks from saving money and becoming more affluent. The protesters were forced out of Zuccotti Park on November 15, 2011, despite that it was a peaceful protest, much like a 1960s "sit in".

What did Marija do with her money?

she sewed her money into her clothing for safekeeping A+

What do ppl call money in us?

they call money dollars

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What do both Democrats and republicans support?


Are democrats or republicans more supportive of the military?

Republicans make money off of war so they WANT more wars !

Who is better the Republicans or democrats?

Republicans favor smaller government which means lower taxes, but also less protection of people that do not have money. Democrats favor larger government which means higher taxes, but also a social "safety net" to catch people that lose their job, get injured, etc. As a rule, Republicans are more in favor of "freedom with your own money". Democrats prefer "freedom to do as you please" I am biased and I am a Democrat.

What are democratic beliefs on federal budget?

The Republicans spend now and pay later. They borrow money to spend now. Democrats tax for money to spend now. It is called "pay as you go" by Democrats and "Tax and Spend" by Republicans who are "Borrow and Spend" players.

What are the platforms of democratic and republicasn parties?

the republicans want to beat you for your money...the democrats want to help the poor..... :D

Do Democrats put their money in the stock market?

Clearly not, given how happy they are with the collapse of Wall Street.

Do democrats spend more?

Yes, democrats are known for spending more and taxing more to pay for it. Whereas, republicans believe they should have more choice in spending their own hard money rather than let government increase taxes and make spending decisions for them.

Do Democrats cause more budget deficits than Republicans?

yes, because they give money from the greedy old people (GOP) and give it to the poor, instead of just keeping money all for themselves.

Why do democrats like to spend your money?

Because they're politicians! Trust me on this: Republicans probably like to spend tax revenues more than Democrats do. They definitely like spending them on more expensive things, like wars and weapons that won't work.

Who sits on the right side of both the house and the senate?

Democrats sit on the right side .. it's sad that the republicans call them self right wing witch throws people off .. the Lord said fish from the right side of the boat . That's the democrats .. The Lord also.. said the love of money is the root of all evil .. And who loves moneys more then the republicans

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To republicans, it's "all about the money, money, money". Because many republicans have money in oil, they would be hesitant to switching to greener energy sources such as solar and wind power. In short, republicans will only fix the environment if there is money in it.

What is the money an investor receives above and beyond the money initially invested?

The money an investor receives above and beyond the money initially invested called return