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Travis Hirschi was the first theorist to introduce the notion of individual commitment as a powerful determining force in the social control of behavior. In his social control theory, he emphasized the importance of attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief in shaping an individual's likelihood to engage in delinquent behaviors.

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Q: Who was the first theorist to introduce the notion of individual commitment as a powerful determining force in the social control of behavior?
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Does sociology focus on individual behavior?

Sociology typically focuses on understanding group behavior and societal structures rather than individual behavior. However, individual behavior can be studied within the broader social context to understand how societal factors influence people's actions and beliefs.

What is the key to determining if someone wWhat was Max Weber's term for a composite of characteristics found in many real-life examplesill vote?

The key to determining if someone will vote is understanding their motivation, access to voting resources, knowledge of the candidates/policies, and their past voting behavior. These factors can influence an individual's likelihood of voting in an election.

The social science that differs from sociology primarily in that it focuses on individual behavior rather than on group behavior is?

Psychology is the social science that focuses on individual behavior, while sociology focuses on group behavior. Psychology examines cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes in individuals, whereas sociology explores how groups, institutions, and societies influence human behavior and interactions.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Merton's strain theory?

Strengths of Merton's strain theory include its focus on societal structures and how they influence individual behavior, as well as its ability to explain why people might turn to deviant behavior when they are unable to achieve societal goals through legitimate means. Weaknesses include overlooking individual variations in response to strain and not accounting for other factors that may contribute to deviant behavior, such as psychological or biological factors.

What social science which deals with the behavior and thinking of organisms differs from sociology primarily in that it focuses on individual behavior rather than on group behavior?

Psychology is the social science that focuses on the behavior and thinking of organisms at the individual level, in contrast to sociology which primarily looks at group behavior and social structures. Psychology studies cognitive processes, emotions, and behaviors of individuals to understand how they think and act in various situations.

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What type of writer presents social environments as the determining factor in human behavior?

A social determinist writer presents social environments as the determining factor in human behavior, emphasizing how societal norms, institutions, and structures shape individual actions and choices.

Difference between Individual and interpersonal behavior in organization?

Individual behavior is how an individual acts when they are working. Interpersonal behavior is how an individual acts with others.

What is Individual behavior in organization?

Individual behavior in an organization is how one person behaves. When a manager understands individual behavior, they can increase productivity.

Behavior is directly affected by what?

Behavior is directly affected by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Genetics play a role in determining predispositions, while environmental influences, such as upbringing and experiences, shape behavior. Additionally, psychological factors like emotions, thoughts, and beliefs also impact behavior.

What are the moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior known as?

Ethics. Ethics refers to the set of moral principles that guide an individual's or group's behavior and decision-making. It involves determining what is right or wrong, and what actions are considered ethical or unethical in a given context.

What factors are most responsible for determining your total fitness?

Your behavior .

What did john b Watson claim that all behavior was a result of?

John B. Watson claimed that all behavior was a result of conditioning, specifically stimulus-response associations formed through experience. He believed that environment and learning shaped an individual's behavior and that emotions and consciousness were not relevant factors in determining behavior.

What is the weakness of Pavlov's theory?

One weakness of Pavlov's theory is that it oversimplifies the complex nature of human behavior by focusing primarily on the role of conditioning in shaping behavior. It neglects the influence of other factors such as cognition, emotions, and social context in determining behavior. Additionally, it may not fully account for individual differences in response to conditioning.

What definition of normality is preferred by psychologists?

Psychologists typically define normality as behavior that is congruent with societal norms, adaptive to the individual's environment, and does not cause significant distress or impairment. This definition emphasizes the importance of considering cultural and contextual factors when determining what is considered normal or abnormal behavior.

What is individual behavior?

Individual behavior refers to how individual behaves at work place , his behavior is influenced by his attitude,personality,perception, learning and motivating. This also refers to the combination of responses to internal and external stimuli.

Is operant behavior an example of nature or nurture?

Operant behavior is an example of both nature and nurture. While genetic factors play a role in determining an individual's predisposition to certain behaviors, environmental influences also shape and reinforce operant behaviors through conditioning and learning processes.

What criteria are used to determine whether behavior is abnormal?

Behavior is considered abnormal when it deviates significantly from cultural norms, causes distress or dysfunction for the individual, impairs their ability to function effectively in daily life, or poses a risk to themselves or others. Additionally, factors such as the context in which the behavior occurs, its duration, and its intensity are also taken into account when determining abnormality.