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The noun form of grand is grandness

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Q: What is the noun for grand?
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What is the noun form of grand?

The word 'grand' is a noun, a word for a grand piano or a thousand dollars, a word for a thing.The noun forms for the adjective 'grand' are grandnessand grandeur.

What is the root word for grand?

Grandfather is a compound noun. Grand is an adjective and father is a noun. There are no root words for grand or father

Is Grand Canyon a common noun?

No, Grand Canyon is a proper noun; it is the name of a specific place, names are always proper nouns. A proper noun is always capitalized.

Abstract noun of grand?

The abstract noun forms of the adjective 'grand' are grandness and grandeur.The word 'grand' is also a concrete noun as an informal word for a grand piano or a thousand dollars.

Is Grand Canyon an adverb?

Grand Canyon is a noun, not an adverb.

How do you use grand in a sentence?

The word 'grand' functions as a noun and an adjective in a sentence.The noun 'grand' functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.The adjective 'grand' is used to describe a noun.The noun and the adjective both function as a subject complement, a word following a linking verb that restates the subject of the sentence..Example uses:The baby grand gave the room an elegant aire. (noun, subject of the sentence.I won two grand at the casino! (noun, direct object of the verb 'won')I bought the lovely piano with the two grand that I won. (noun, object of the preposition 'with')A grand staircase rose to the throne. (adjective, describes the noun 'staircase')The hotel had a large, grand lobby. (adjective, describe the noun 'lobby')The piano that she plays is a grand. (noun, subject complement, piano=grand)The view from the cliff was very grand. (adjective, subject complement, view=grand)Note:A noun functioning as a subject complement is called a predicate nominative.An adjective functioning as a subject complement is called a predicate adjective.

Is the Grand Canyon a noun?

Yes, the noun 'Grand Canyon' is a propernoun, the name of a specific place.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun is always capitalized.

Is grand . A proper noun?

Yes, the noun 'Grand Canyon' is a propernoun, the name of a specific place.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun is always capitalized.

Is grand a noun?

The term 'grand ball' can be considered a compound noun. When a combination of words are joined to form a word with its own meaning becomes commonly used and its meaning understood by most, it becomes a compound noun. As a noun, 'grand ball' is a singular, common, compound, abstract noun, a word for a thing.

Is grand ball a noun?

The term 'grand ball' can be considered a compound noun. When a combination of words are joined to form a word with its own meaning becomes commonly used and its meaning understood by most, it becomes a compound noun. As a noun, 'grand ball' is a singular, common, compound, abstract noun, a word for a thing.

Is the grand canyon a proper noun?

Yes, the noun 'Grand Canyon' is a propernoun, the name of a specific place.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun is always capitalized.

Can grand be used as a preposition?

Grand cannot be used as a preposition. It is an adjective, or more rarely a noun.