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Q: How big of plain smashed in to the twin towers?
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How big is the twin towers?


How big was the fire from the twin towers?

Five floors of the twin towers callt on fire and 33,999 died HORIFIC !

What words describe the twin towers?

Big and Same

Who big is the twin towers?

They don't exist anymore..... :P

What has been done to the Twin towers to remember the 9-11?

They built a big hole right where the Twin towers was and put all the names of the people that died there around it!

Where were the twin towers before they were hit?

The twin towers or The World Trade Centre was located on Manhattan Island in new York City, New York.

What big events happened in 2001?

The terrifying 911

What happened aprill 19?

another big bomb happened like the one with the twin towers

What happened on April 19?

another big bomb happened like the one with the twin towers

What are some big events that have happened?

Titantic Revolutionary War Twin Towers Pearl Harbor Statue of Liberty

What big world events happened between the years 1997 - 2009?

* Twin towers attacked * H1N1 out break

What in 2001?

Well, in 2001, there was a big war, terrorists attacked the twin towers, on September 11. it was a day we never forget. :(