


Brunei is a small monarchy located on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia with its capital at Bandar Seri Begawan. It was colonized by the British and gained its independence in 1984.

500 Questions

What is the email address for sultan of Brunei official desk?

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Tolong beri saya alamat email yang betul untuk membuat penghantaran email kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah @ Sultan Brunei kerana terdapat hal urusan keluarga dan lain-lain hal yang penting.Hal ini kerana alamat email yang digunakan seringkali gagal di sampaikan...

What is the name of the island which includes Malaysia and Brunei?

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Asked by Roppongi

The island is called Borneo.

When did Brunei become and cease being a colony?

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Asked by Wiki User

1824 colony founded, 1957 became independence, and in 1963 Malaysia formed

How do you say thank you in Brunei?

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Asked by Wiki User

Since the official language in Brunei is Malay, goodbye is technically selamat tinggal. But no one says that.

English, a second language in Brunei, is widely spoken so most people just say 'bye'.

What are the mineral resources of Brunei?

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Asked by Wiki User

Brunei's natural resources are oil & natural gas. The country also has silica sand, peat, coal, methane gas, and is largely covered by lush tropical rainforest. At the moment, Brunei's primary export is oil and gas.

If you want to know more, please visit this blog:

What is the large Pacific Ocean island it includes Malaysia and Brunei?

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Borneo. This is the actual answer that i got.

Which continent is Brunei on?

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Brunei belongs in Asia...Southeast Asia to be specific.

Is Brunei an Islamic country?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes Malaysia is a Islamic country because Islam is the official religion of Malaysia and the government actively promotes the spread of Islam in the country and its friend ship with other Muslim countries 60.4% of Malaysia r Muslims there is 1000s of mosks in Malaysia

What type of government does Brunei have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Brunei is a sultanate. This means the head of state is the Sultan. He has full executive powers according the constitution that was passed in 1959.

It is the only monarchy in Southeast Asia that functions with the head of state as the political head.

Is Brunei an island?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is mostly surrounded by land.

Can you drive from Thailand to Brunei?

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Yes. It is possible to drive from Thailand to Brunei, but the route will involve ferries across bodies of water and through different countries. The journey is about five thousand kilometers and will take 150 hours to complete.

What is the history of Brunei?

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Asked by Wiki User

thousand of years ago,people travelled by sea and sailed to borneo on canoes and rafts. they brought with them new kinds of food,tools,weapons and skills such as pottery andweaving.

What is the motto of Brunei?

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Asked by Wiki User

'Satu Malaysia: rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan'
Unity is Strength. Malaysia's motto is "Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu". In English, it means "Unity is Strength". This motto is included in the Coat of Arms of Malaysia which also includes the crest and the shield.

When did Brunei joined Commonwealth?

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Is Brunei a tax free country?

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Asked by Wiki User

Facts About Brunei Darussalam
  • Brunei has no personal income tax. What you earn is all yours.
  • The cost of living is considerably lower than in the UK. Spacious houses are available at a reasonable cost. Here are some pictures of houses in Brunei rented to teachers from overseas.
  • There are no exchange controls. Your cash can be moved in and out of Brunei without restriction.
  • The Brunei Dollar has the same value as the Singapore Dollar.
  • Petrol is remarkably cheap - less than 20 pence per litre for unleaded.

How do Brunei say hello?

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Asked by Wiki User

The official language in Brunei is Malay, so "Good afternoon" in Malay is "Selamat petang".

However, most Bruneians speak English, so saying "Good afternoon" is perfectly fine.

What is the capital of Brunei darussalam?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo, is made up of four provinces, each with their own capital.

They are Central Kalimantan (capital: Palangkaraya), East Kalimantan (capital: Samarinda), West Kalimantan (capital: Pontianak), and South Kalimantan (capital: Banjarmasin).

How many wifes did sultan suliman have?

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Asked by Wiki User

He has one wife. He was married to Mariam for 24 years and then divorced. Afterwards he married Azrinaz who was also divorced few years after their marriage. He remains married to his first and only wife, the Queen Saleha.

Is Brunei a country or state?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is a country.

Why is Brunei the country so rich?

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Abundant oil and natural gas have helped Brunei develop into a wealthy nation

What is the official name of Brunei?

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Brunei Darussalam (Brunei, Abode of Peace).

Also Negara Brunei Darussalam, where Negara is Malay (Brunei's official language) for "country" or "nation".

How long does it take to fly to Brunei from Brisbane?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depending on the route and airline this flight can last between 9 and 12 hours:

via Kota Kinabula (Malaysia/Royal Brunei) - 8:50+

via Singapore (Singapore Airlines) - 9:10+

via Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) - 11:40+

via Singapore, Kuala Lumpur (Singapore Airlines/Silkair/Royal Brunei) - 12:10+