


These birds of prey are renowned for their exceptional vision; one species has been found to have a visual acuity of 2.6 times that of a normal human.

500 Questions

Do falcons eat rabbits?

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yes they dive at the rabbit and grab it and lift it off the ground.

How fast do sparrowhawks fly?

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They can fly between 16 and 19 MPH.

What does the peregine falcon look like?

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The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest animal on Earth.

How many peregrine falcons are killed each year?

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50 a day in cheshire

It is impossible to say, but many thousands without doubt.

How old do you have to be to get a falconers license?

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To become a falconer you have to go through many steps. First you have to become a apprentice, which you can become at 16. Apprenticeship takes at least 2 years of constant dedication to your bird. Since falconry is a serious commitment--some consider it a lifestyle--training almost invariably takes 7 years. So, at the very least, you can be an independent falconer at age 25.

Who is federigos falcon?

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its not a who, federigos falcon is a book/story, there is a character named federigo and he has a falcon when he used to be what we would now say modern day military. He fell in love with this girl Monna and tried to show his love to her by buying her things to impress her when her husband died. however she never noticed him because so many other men were doing that too. He wasted all his money on her and became very poor. Then one day Monnas son became very ill and she asked him if there was one thing that would make him better and he said the joy of seeing federigos falcon, i must have it. So Monna went to the barn were Federigo was working and had dinner with him. He had nothing to serve so he killed his falcon because it was the only thing worthy enough to give Monna. When Monna found out she was very upset yet happy that he would do that for her. Once Monnas son died, her brothers told her she should remarry. Monna remairred...She married Federigo.

What are falcon's characteristics?

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it is the fairy of all creaturs

What are the enemies of the falcon?

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Humans do by building on or near their nesting places

What types of falcon and hawks are there?

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Buteo hawks: Red Tailed, Red Shouldered, Broad winged, Swainson's, Harris', Rough Legged. Accipiters: Goshawk, Cooper's Hawk, Sharp Shinned . Falcons: Kestrel, Peregrine, Merlin, Prairie, Gyrfalcon.

Do hawks eat falcons?

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They could be. Maybe because a falcon is very fast and can outrun a hawk. Plus a better way to attack it.

When did the Peregrine Falcon become extinct?

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From the 1950's to the 1970's, organochlorine pesticides such as DDT caused the eggshells of birds of prey, including falcons, to become dangerously thin, preventing many of them from hatching. After these pesticides were banned, captive breeding programs for Peregrine falcons were implemented with great success. The Peregrine falcon was removed from the US Endangered Species List on August 25th, 1999, and today they are considered Least Concern by the IUCN. This species is one of the greatest conservation success stories in history.

Can you have a falcon for a pet?

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This depends on where you live and where the bird comes from.

You are more likely to be able to buy one that has been bred than one captured from the wild (which in many places is illegal).

How long does the male peregrine falcon stay with the female falcon?

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It doesnt jump out of it....

Who would win - an American kestrel vs a Sharp Shinned hawk?

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While kestrels share some similarities with other relatives of the raptor group, they are in fact members of the Falcon Family (Falconidae), not the Hawk Family (Accipitridae). Their simalarity to the Eurasian Kestrel is the source of the name "Kestrel."

Why federigo's falcon title?

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what federigo's attitude toward the falcon

What is a falcon's home called?

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forests and big fat old trees

Who eats falcons?

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The falcon is a predatory bird that is on the top of the food web, so there are not many animals that can eat adult falcons. However, falcon eggs and chicks are preyed upon by owls, coyote, eagles, and small animals like raccoons.

What environment does the falcon live in?

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One clear adaptations is with catching its prey ... pigeons

these are faster than the peregrine in Level Flight! so the peregrine Falcon has adapted in catching its prey, the pigeon by flying up high...if they can they cleverly conceal themselves by aligning themselves so they are between the prey and the sun.

then the perform their famous aerial stunt but folding back their wings and literally nose diving into the pigeon, knocking it unconscious (killing it!) from the force. all the peregrine has to do now is retrieve its meal

Does the peregrine falcons live alone or in a groups?

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Peregrines often hunt together as well, double-teaming their prey to confuse it. When females hunt they often search for larger prey and males search for smaller prey. This is because the male are 1/3 smaller than the female.

What is the wingspan of a falcon in inches?

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Falcons Have a wing span about 3 feet or more

How fast can a peregrine felcon fly?

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140mph but some people say that in a dive it can reach speeds of over 200mph!

What is a peregrine falcons favourite food?

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Peregrine falcons' favorite foods are ducks and pigeons.

How long can baby falcon be a baby?

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Well it depends on the type of falcon.

The average life span of a peregrine falcon is approximately 6-8 years, although some may live for 20 years. There are about 37 different species of falcon. But for falcons over all can live to be up to 17 years old.

Where do you find peregrine falcons?

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When first born it is near the bottom, but if it survives long enough into its adult years, then it is at the top because a peregrine falcon doesnt have a predator. Other animals eat it when its dead, but otherwise it doesnt. :)